Washers for Oil Change

Just remember one thing:

From the time of your birth till you ride in a hearse, nothing could be so bad that it couldn't get worse.
Good night folks

Ya the end is near. Hilliary is running for president. Who the hell do they think there kidding. All this is, is another chance for Billy I didn't have sexual relations with that woman to be president again.
Just remember one thing:

From the time of your birth till you ride in a hearse, nothing could be so bad that it couldn't get worse.
Good night folks
Hey Kid!! where have you been??? coming to the hub??? hope you do!
Thanks M8, Lori says get the earl changed now, she needs to ride. I'll get em here, but I do appreciate the offer.
I went to my local Triumph dealership to get some washers for my 1st oil change. They only carry 1 size of washer (part # T3550605 - sump bolt washer). I was under the impression that there are a total of 3 bolts that must be removed for the oil change - 1 of which is a different size than the other 2. Should there not be 2 different size washers or will 1 washer size fit all 3 bolts? Wanted to find out before I start the actual change.

Also, has anyone tried the K & N - KN-204 oil filter? Thanks!
Looked for a replacement supplier for the washers. My dealer wants $15... and rarely has them anyway:banghead: Good old Ace hardware is there as usual with what is needed IF you decide to replace the crush washers. Learned BikeBandit has taken a powder :oops:
Looked for a replacement supplier for the washers. My dealer wants $15... and rarely has them anyway:banghead: Good old Ace hardware is there as usual with what is needed IF you decide to replace the crush washers. Learned BikeBandit has taken a powder :oops:
Good to know. My last order I grabbed extra's.