I cant stand stupid people! You mean to tell me the parts guy at the dealership couldnt tell there were too many zero's???!!! All he could come up with is "its not a part #" God people are Fing stupid!!!! :kk:Put to many zeros in it. I have corrected the original post.
Its this reason right here I have always done my own service and I am thankful I can understand instructions enough to do it and posess some ability to understand the mechanics of it!
Its too bad America has let the "quality" of just about everything go by the wayside. No more is it important to be proficient and skilled at what you do. Its all the greedy bastards that push this so they dont have to pay experienced people good money just so they can put the difference in their pockets!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for letting me rant....we now return to your regularly scheduled thread