Lupe been around your bike???
you might have harley rotors on it now...
Just kiddin' Jim,
Honestly, that sounds bogus to me.
The tech didn't mic em and said it "might be" the problem.
they'd have to get red hot to warp.
If you got brake pads left, they ain't been red hot.
I'd take it somewhere else.
You said you recently started having trouble with your front brakes.
What exactly?
not working, slipping when you apply pressure,
a metal on metal sound as the wheel goes round?
what exactly makes you think something is wrong,
could be something as simple as old bad fluid, or a bubble,
without some details it's kinda hard to tell,
but I'm saying the rotors "might NOT be" the problem.
I'm still blaming it on Lupe till we find out where he was when it started acting up...