very close call on a ride saturday

He's traveling, not home, he won't be able to send it until he gets back home
Family, taking care of family. It is what life is all about.

Glad everyone is ok. I have seemed to have fallen into being a Road Caption for a lot of area rides.

Stuff is going to happen, but as long as everyone can walk away it is a success.

The thing that is funny about group rides, especially the big ones. It is not the person in the lead as much as it is the people bringing up the rear. They are the heroes. Road Captains just set the pace.
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was with about 8-10 riders on a perfect day HOG ride but there was a couple non-harleys there as well no issue its not what you ride its that you ride. Everything was going great until what appears to be a bull mastiff ran out from the front then came back right in front of me. Of course our rockets have awesome brakes we rode staggered i drifted to the left avoid animal and in the process rider behind me his brakes appeared to have locked up and he slammed into me.

Thank-god both of us were able to stay on bike; impact was on the (L) muffler barely shows any damage (a very small) dent where his front bars(from 09 ultra classic) hit my left muffler (muffler saved my leg) thank-god. My first accident in over 31k miles and still haven't been down (knock on wood) this was close rider's knee was twisted a bit but appears to be ok is in a brace with pain meds.

I sustained no injuries; was very lucky no question= be safe out there i had plenty distance i know guy who hit me feels awful- he is a good rider maybe most of this maybe on his bad harley brakes who knows..

have insurance claim; i think i won't even have them replace the muffler because the small indention at the tip is barely noticeable. Bracket holding the muffler is only about 20 bucks and the gasket for the muffler 13.. but will have them go over it just to make sure.
Ah but what about the whiplash ? where there's blame there's a claim ! :D Fact is, every one of us roll the dice every time we ride . It matters not how good a rider any of us are , everyone else on the road wants to kill us , and a minor hiccup in a car proves a deadly threat to a motorcyclist . we always have take our a game whenever we ride ! I'm glad both your mate and yourself are both ok . It's a shame your mate didn't see the hazard sooner and anticipate the situation?
Ah but what about the whiplash ? where there's blame there's a claim ! :D Fact is, every one of us roll the dice every time we ride . It matters not how good a rider any of us are , everyone else on the road wants to kill us , and a minor hiccup in a car proves a deadly threat to a motorcyclist . we always have take our a game whenever we ride ! I'm glad both your mate and yourself are both ok . It's a shame your mate didn't see the hazard sooner and anticipate the situation?
yes i agree- not sure if he was distracted didn't really ask him how/why this happened. I know he feels awful about it; i would be lying if i didn't say was disappointed to say the least.
yes i agree- not sure if he was distracted didn't really ask him how/why this happened. I know he feels awful about it; i would be lying if i didn't say was disappointed to say the least.

left muffler installed without a hitch yest. in nashville at castle powersports(the best Triumph dealer in tennessee hands down); bike runs actually a lot better!!! thank-you claviger(rob) for helping me out!!


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