I'm lucky enuff to have seen and heard this system of Paul's...and followed the bike with it fitted...it's bloody awesome!..The power and noise this produces gives a man gooselumps!...Paul will be along soon explaining i'm sure!
Since I am not chasing every last HP, I'd need to see some serious games to be able to justify a $3k price tag. It might be worth it to some though, likely not me at that price. Around the $1.5k USD range I'd be interested.
I realize headers can bring a lot of gains on these bikes but it will never be as quick as one of my quicker bikes or even my car.
Since I am not chasing every last HP, I'd need to see some serious games to be able to justify a $3k price tag. It might be worth it to some though, likely not me at that price. Around the $1.5k USD range I'd be interested.
I realize headers can bring a lot of gains on these bikes but it will never be as quick as one of my quicker bikes or even my car.
I would rather get a header with design like below, in that vandemon header there is a flaw, all three headers are on single flange plate which could cause leaks in future, my friend built his own headers and it takes separate flanges( same concept as stock headers) , I would rather get separate flange headers than single plate. * just my opinion * Below is photo my friend's TTS supercharged bike custom header.