Useless Rocket 3 Trivia / Questions / Info

Tell that to my toe !
I feel a test coming on - though this may be the luncheon bottle of wine talking.

Mrs Nat needs to give somebody a lot more Zydur. Uh pint uv Ol'bastud with 'xtra raht m'dere. Szat o thu moor fur thee.
Do I get a prize for closest, do I, do I !
Gawd you sound like a high school teacher, if you were a kindy school teacher I would of got a gold star on my forehead!
Assuming a wet weight of 366 kg, your 31.95 kg would be about 9% motor weight on the kick.
Would be interesting to know the lean angle provided by resting on the kick, height and angle of the down kick and fool with some trig . . .