urgent help needed.. Oil issues

El Bruto

.060 Over
Oct 6, 2015
Rocket 3 2005/6 modifed!!!!
ok.. so ive rebuilt the engine (that was running fine before..but I had the loose bolt on gear selector issue) so had to strip it and rebuild it... All seemed good..

I put in 5.2L of Castrol 4T 10/40 and ran the motor.. All sound good... I should point out that I am running it without an oil pressure switch at present as its seems impossible to get one here.. on order but who knows when.. but anyway.. the engine is running sound... valve shims done and everything...

so whats the problem now??...

All the oil disappeared out of the oil tank.. so read the manual, and it said put in to level of dipstick, so I put in another 1.5l.. when looking into the oil tank the flow is from left to right.. is this correct?.. after a while, all the oil in the tank disappeared.. so I put more in.. same thing again... the red warning light has come on a couple of times, but I'm putting this down to airlocks in the coolant as the pressure switch is disconnected,, (is there 2?)
The flow in the oil tank seems very good, speeds up when I up the rpm etc..

I'm thinking I have put something back wrong.. maybe the non return valve? is this possible? if this is the issue, how much have I got to remove to change it around?..

I must have put too much oil in because all the gasket are good, no leaks, however then when I put the last 1ltr in I had a small leak from the front clutch housing where the clutch cable linkage is.. so I'm guessing the clutch housing is full of oil...

I'm now draining ALL the oil out and its coming out pretty slow.. when I would of expected it to pour out.. a steady trickle is how I would describe it,, ( the metal sieves were cleaned prior to re assembly)

I'm pulling my hair out.. Please help Guru's
Have just noticed.. Put in a total of 8 lars!!!

Yet can only drain out about 5!! Wtf is going on???
Just had a thought.. Stupidly I've used the old oil filter, it had o ly done 500m however that engine eat the cam.. So could oil filter blockage be the cause? Feeling stupid if it is!!
Have just noticed.. Put in a total of 8 lars!!!

Yet can only drain out about 5!! Wtf is going on???
I would lean toward a sump gasket being miss aligned as it sounds to fast to be the anti leak down valve unless it is stuck open or not there. Did you pull the screens and clean them before you put the sump on? or is it the way the engine came to you?
If that solves your problem you'll feel stupid, but be happy
Good luck
There are 2 sensors that make the red light come on, oil pressure and temperature,a small arrow flashes next to the oil or coolant symbol . I would fit a new filter and as Warp says remove the sump an check gasket alignment before runnin it again. Hope you get it fixed ok.
Sounds like what happened to mine when my output shaft bearings $hit their dress. Lots of shrapnel in the engine. Cleaned thoroughly with rags and carb cleaner. The red shop rags I used left behind lint that I could not see, and it plugged my pick up screens. Bet you have something similar going on.
And I would still change the filter anyway after all that work.
Ok guys.. thanks for the advise
Yes the sieves were cleaned prior to 're assembling.
I'll drain it down tomorrow and check gaskets. . And replace filter.
Could I have put the one way pick up valve in the wrong way around?

Definitely check this. I knew a guy that raced dirt track cars that had this happen.....