UK Wirral Salvo


Feb 18, 2007
I've now edited this post as we have settled on the weekend from 30th July to 2nd of August

Steve will be doing another Wild West as usual this will be the early May Bank Holiday, Mondo has the New Forest gathering in early June and Tom has Le Grand Tour in September so this slots into the schedule nicely.

I will run a thread on B&M, .com, .net and SYDs sites. If anyone would like to post a link to this on the UKOC site I would be grateful. It would be great to see some of the OC members again and have them sample my hospitality. Alternatively someone could PM people there to see if they would like to join us. Unfortunately I'm persona non grata over there.

The venue can be veiwed here;

R3 :: View topic - A Plan Comes Together
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The centre has ample male and female toilet facilities and if there are sufficient numbers requiring showers I can hire a shower block.

Very secure under cover bike parking.

Accomodation is free.

People can camp in the grounds or sleep in the centre. It has four rooms we can use as dorms, fourty square metre each. Each could comfortably sleep 8 or 10 people on bed rolls or air beds if they are happy to share.

Pool and table tennis tables can be set up. ;D

This year I supplied the booze free but given this is likely to be a lot bigger I would provide booze at cost.

Wine £1 per glass or £5 per bottle

Cans / bottles beer £1

Large shorts and mixer £1.50

Initial itinerary;


Arrival from 2pm.

Scouse (veggy option if required)

I considered having a band but most seem to prefer music and drinks because this allows people to chat rather then trying to shout over a band who are being ignored.


Breakfast of bacon / sausage butties (veggy option if required)

Ride out to North Wales

I could organise a custom show if people want it.

BBQ with music and drinks


Breakfast of bacon / sausage butties (veggy option if required)

Ride out to North Wales and Chester. Last stop at "The Tap" bikers pub.

Return to base and order take outs from the local Chinese / Indian / Chippy / Pizza and Kebab joint.


Breakfast of bacon / sausage butties (veggy option if required)

Ride out or disperse.

The only costs will be;

Food (other than the scouse, breakfasts and BBQ, which are on me)
Shower block if we need one. I can get a price for this nearer the time.


Leigh & Jo
Paul T & Rose
Steve & Tes TBC
Simon & Hazel
Alan D
Spider & Trace
Reaper & Laine
Al & Maybe TBC
Chris (Evilbob)
Mondo & Joy
Rocket Rob
JT & Helen
Dyna 494
KildeRouge & Pillion
Welshie & Mrs.
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I had neglected to update the list of attendee's on here for a few weeks.

The addition of Anders brings us to 19 Rockets and 29 people. :cool:

Still plenty of time and room for more if anyone else would like to join us.
A bit more detail now;

How's this for a proposed itinerary?


most arrive Friday night for scouse / beer / music and chatter


Bacon and sausage butties for breakfast.

Late morning departure (in case any latecomers arrive in the morning) for a tour de North Wales with lunch at the Poderosa at the Horseshoe Pass, followed by more blatting around Wales.

Arrive back at the centre about 4.00pm for a BBQ and custom bike show (I've yet to see a completely standard Rocket more than a couple of months old). Free entry but donations from those ogling the bikes to go to Youth Club funds. BBQ will be provided by the centre and will charge punters (but not us) to raise more cash for the kids.

Close the site to the public about 7.00pm and party till you drop. We can either have a BBQ ourselves or head out for a Chinese / Indian / etc / etc.


Breakfast followed by a run around Cheshire and North Wales, with an ice cream stop in Chester.

Last stop at "The Tap" a local bikers pub. You get loads of bikes down there on a Sunday.

Return to the centre for a few beers, music and chat, to include a Chinese / Indian / Pizza / etc / etc.


Those who have a long way to go can leave at their convenience. Anyone who wants another ride-out is welcome to join me.

All booze supplied by me at cost and since I'm in the business this will be cheap!! :wink:

What do you all reckon?
Ah no!!

I am going to Sonisphere then... Dammit.. would have loved to join..

but then I am going to see:

** Only UK performance of 2010
* Exclusive Festival Performance

So... the roadster will be in great company!
Never mind Cheeky, we're having a few gatherings this year, one in Devon coming up shortly and the Dorset a month after. Gizza shout if you want details mate.

On the up-side Welshie and his Mrs have been added. Now 21 bikes 31 peeps. :cool:
Not long now. Any more attendees would be more thaqn welcome. Please post below if you're interested. :cool:
Wirral Salvo: Total Raised

For those who don't know, the venue for our recent meet is a Youth and Community Centre which is run by a company limited by guarantee which is also a registered charity. It receives no local authority support and survives on volunteers good will and income from room hire.

Attendees kindly had a whip round as a donation to it, and an honesty box was placed next to the ale and people threw in whatever they saw fit.

Given that my business has benefited from some good publicity and PR as a result of the Custom Show I have decided to cover the costs of the food, booze and photographer. This is not as generous as it would first appear as those who run their own businesses will know, I can pay it out pre-tax, saving 40%, not to mention the VAT I can reclaim. As a result all the income will be donated to the Centre.

The grand total from the whip round, a contribution from Rob, who couldn't make it, and the bar takings mean a cheque for £250.00 will be handed over tomorrow.

I would like to thank all those who attended for giving so generously and for making the weekend a very enjoyable occasion. It is a pleasure to host such a fine bunch of reprobates. Everyone mucked in and helped, which makes organising these things so much easier.

I hope to host something bigger and better next year if there's enough interest.

Cheers all.


And The Winners Are.....

In no particular order;

Joyce won this year's one off award for "Most Understanding Wife", partly for just putting up with Tom, partly because she kindly postponed her birthday celebrations with family to enable him to come, and finally because it meant Tom had to accept an award when he felt so robbed last year, but it wasn't for him, which amused me.

Leigh won "Best Paint" for the incomparable job on his "Psycho Rocket"

I won "Best Engineering" for "The Beast", which is ironic considering a bit fell off it on the subsequent ride-out. Since I was presenting the awards mine was given by Oz Dave via our high tech satellite link. ;D

Leigh also won "Best in Show".

Thanks to all who entered. The local populace where amazed and awestruck by the show of Rockets. A few hung around just to catch the sight and sound of our departure.

Wirral: Photos

Here's a link to a Photobucket album of pics. The first few are mine and the rest are Linda's.


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