Wirral Salvo: Total Raised
For those who don't know, the venue for our recent meet is a Youth and Community Centre which is run by a company limited by guarantee which is also a registered charity. It receives no local authority support and survives on volunteers good will and income from room hire.
Attendees kindly had a whip round as a donation to it, and an honesty box was placed next to the ale and people threw in whatever they saw fit.
Given that my business has benefited from some good publicity and PR as a result of the Custom Show I have decided to cover the costs of the food, booze and photographer. This is not as generous as it would first appear as those who run their own businesses will know, I can pay it out pre-tax, saving 40%, not to mention the VAT I can reclaim. As a result all the income will be donated to the Centre.
The grand total from the whip round, a contribution from Rob, who couldn't make it, and the bar takings mean a cheque for £250.00 will be handed over tomorrow.
I would like to thank all those who attended for giving so generously and for making the weekend a very enjoyable occasion. It is a pleasure to host such a fine bunch of reprobates. Everyone mucked in and helped, which makes organising these things so much easier.
I hope to host something bigger and better next year if there's enough interest.
Cheers all.