tune ecu question

Finally got the bike out today to see what the changes I made to 'er feel like. I'm pretty impressed. The Ram air, TORS, free flowing crossover pipe and Claviger"s Domination tune got me sportin a serious chit eating grin. And the sound of that exhaust is so f'n cool.
Hi Wildchild, I'm interested to know what you mean by cross over pipe. Do you mean replacing the big square thing underneath. If so where did you get this from
I just went through the o2 sensor thing yesterday. I copied my performance tune tables (based on 20050) into a 20228 base tune per @HansO 's suggestion. I forgot to uncheck the o2 box. To make a long story short after you uncheck the o2 you have to download the tune again. According to Hans the later tunes have improvements to the idle programming that isn't accessible with tuning software. Seems to be the case. Mine drops right back to idle speed now without the little hang around 1200 rpm. It also starts and goes right to idle speed without going up and then back down which I never liked. We'll see if it stays that way or "adapts" it's self back to the way it was. Fingers crossed it stays like it is.

P.S. thanks for the help Hans !
Hi Wildchild, I'm interested to know what you mean by cross over pipe. Do you mean replacing the big square thing underneath. If so where did you get this from
Yes, I'm referring to the stock collector box/pipe on the underside. I saw a free flow pipe on Ebay for $284 and bought it. Came from Australia from a place called Motexpro.
Just noticed some drops of coolant on the engine directly below the overflow tube connected to the engine. I pushed her hard yesterday, so I'm thinking that's what caused a small leak. Hadn't seen it before this. I'll have to check clamps and cap.
I just loaded the Domination tune without the 02 sensor. Honestly, I didn't feel any difference. I want to say it performed better with it in. Anyone else feel this way? I'll probably reload the original Dom tune tomorrow. Thanks.
I just went through the o2 sensor thing yesterday. I copied my performance tune tables (based on 20050) into a 20228 base tune per @HansO 's suggestion. I forgot to uncheck the o2 box. To make a long story short after you uncheck the o2 you have to download the tune again. According to Hans the later tunes have improvements to the idle programming that isn't accessible with tuning software. Seems to be the case. Mine drops right back to idle speed now without the little hang around 1200 rpm. It also starts and goes right to idle speed without going up and then back down which I never liked. We'll see if it stays that way or "adapts" it's self back to the way it was. Fingers crossed it stays like it is.

P.S. thanks for the help Hans !

Need a plug for my CES headers.
What is the correct size?
I be removing the PCV + AT.
Need a plug for my CES headers.
What is the correct size?
I be removing the PCV + AT.
Why are you removing the pc? You don't have to use auto tune. You can always optimize the pc with a manual dyno tune.
Why are you removing the pc? You don't have to use auto tune. You can always optimize the pc with a manual dyno tune.

I prefer a true dyno tune specific to my motor and I am fortunate to have a tuner Guru than KNOWS Triumph and Tune ECU nearby.
He says the PCV is unnecessary if I am not going to use it to run a nitrous tune and that Tune ECU can handle everything else.
Plus I want the extra room for my PCM60 and keyless ignition apparatus.
Do you know off hand what that plug size be?