Triumph Tee Shirts- The final hour

Thanks again for all your efforts Fred .. BTW you don't actually look any older than the rest of us mate yeh I know it still sucks ... hahaha
Anybody order a XXXXL ? One feller ordered two. I got his. But I also have one extra one ?

Reminds me a certain leather jacket that was put up for auction at our first RDU .. Size XXXXL .. Mitchy offered to buy it as a car cover for his wife's Hyundia turned out the jacket belonged to someone's wife Mitchy had to do some serious f#ckin back-pedalling to get out of that one ... hahahahahah
Thanks again for all your efforts Fred .. BTW you don't actually look any older than the rest of us mate yeh I know it still sucks ... hahaha

All cool and good; however, Fred is 30 years old!!!!????
OMG!!! i bet he wanted to bury his head in the sand like an ostritch!!