Triumph Tee Shirts- The final hour

I have stopped taking orders. I had one more today that I missed earlier and hope I can still get them. Thanks to all who ordered ! I'll post as soon as I get them. Fred

Out of what killed the cat, how many were ordered?
I shouldn't be in the hole now. I don't do this to make money. Usually after all is said and done I come out about even. I guess I do it cause there aren't that many shirts available specific to the Rocket that I like. Between the guy who does the printing, and the design work he does, and other members of the sight contributing ideas, I think we come up with some pretty cool ones. That and it gives me an opportunity to give back something to this group that has given me so much in the way of parts, advice, sympathy, comradery and of course a LOT of laughs !
I shouldn't be in the hole now. I don't do this to make money. Usually after all is said and done I come out about even. I guess I do it cause there aren't that many shirts available specific to the Rocket that I like. Between the guy who does the printing, and the design work he does, and other members of the sight contributing ideas, I think we come up with some pretty cool ones. That and it gives me an opportunity to give back something to this group that has given me so much in the way of parts, advice, sympathy, comradery and of course a LOT of laughs !
That and You Are Just an All Round Good Bloke !!!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::)
The shirts have arrived ! They look pretty cool, even without me in them :rolleyes: They look more 3-D in person. I will start packing them up for shipping tomorrow. Please be patient as I just started a new job and have a lot on my plate at the moment. :eek:


Damm, I'm odd looking o_O
:rolleyes:oh dear Steve I do know what the other meaning of a Dart is when referring to a clothing but I didn't know the meaning you have just enlightened me to :oops::)
I didn't know that meaning either:eek::eek::eek: