Oh goody goody Fred, is that the UK delivery also? As you have nicely posed for us in yours I think all who have them should equally show them off for all to see. Except me of course!
Oh goody goody Fred, is that the UK delivery also? As you have nicely posed for us in yours I think all who have them should equally show them off for all to see. Except me of course!
So Fred
Do you have another run of shirts in mind if so I would like to get a couple a medium and a 2X. Just let me know how to get the money to you so I don't loose out like in Montrose Co.
So Fred
Do you have another run of shirts in mind if so I would like to get a couple a medium and a 2X. Just let me know how to get the money to you so I don't loose out like in Montrose Co.