Triumph Quit Ignoring Your Ignition Problems

Electrical Problems

I don't have much experence with forums, but I can't resist this time. I have a 2008 Rocket III tourer, and I just experienced the ignition problem. Actually while reading SCOWHERD's experience, I couldn't help but laugh because I also had to depend on my wife's sporster 883 super low to save my butt. After a quick fill up, when I went to start the bike, I had absolutly no power to anything. It's in my garage now, but I'm not sure how to handle this problem. Since this is a known problem, I'm hoping that I can get some good advise. I did pickup on the thought that this is linked to my headlight. Is this correct? I'm out of warranty. What's my best move?
My first Ign switch went after 12ooo miles I had to be trailered to the dealer as I had lost power after I stopped in WV for gas and was not able to start after that. It was under warrenty and Triumph changed the seat,Ign,gas lock. I now have 58ooo and need a new Ign. I have installed the EB kit but to late. I am going to try and see if my extended warrenty will cover it. I don't like getting stuck because of something stupid like this. Has anyone pulled apart one of the switches to see what really happens to it. Come on Triumph I need my smile back...
i had a problem as well with my ignition

had the local triumph dealer tow me back to the workshop , mechanic tried to fix but all the contacts were stuffed so i was forced to get a 2nd hand one
Triumph wanted over $700 + labour to replace
in the end it cost me about the same with the mechanics labour and buying one off ebay from the states

Very dissapointed with it , i blame the re located igntion from Rivco but now im wondering if its just dodgy part , i had about 38000 km's on clock


Just got a new igniton switch from triumph part no T2501066 for my mates 04 rocket.This is his 3rd switch in 62000mls. This looks like a new part because we have to cut off the old terminal block from main harness to ignition switch and Crimp/Solder on a new terminal block.Triumph supplied all parts. Cost £130. guys need to install the eastern beaver relay kit now, or you'll have the same problems all over again....just saying..

Link Removed guys need to install the eastern beaver relay kit now, or you'll have the same problems all over again....just saying..

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The newer switches have a different harness connector but the same old Triumph ignition switch. If you cut off the tie wrap at the bottom and pull the cover off, you will most likely see that one or more of the wires has melted the solder off and pulled away from the contact.

The Rivco relocation kit (which I have and love) only makes the problem worse since you are adding a few feet of wire length to the circuit which is already poorly designed. If you have the relocation kit, you must have the headlight relay kit.

I'm with budman on this one and will also preach a little to you. You really need to make up your own headlight relay kit or buy and install the Eastern Beaver kit. This problem will continue to happen if you don't.

Welcome to the forum. I hope you can post an introduction in the Meet the Members forum soon.

First, please help me clarify which model you have. I assume that you have a R3 TourING (hard bags, skinny rear tire, tank mounted gauges) rather than the R3 Classic TourER (silver engined Classic with leather bags). Correct?

If the TourING model, then I wouldn't be the person to comment with any authority. IMHO, you should install a headlight relay kit. Go to this page, Link Removed, and scroll to the bottom if you have a TourING model. It will tell you which kit to order. For the Standard, Classic and Roadster models, this is an easy install. I would assume that it would be similar for the Touring.

As far as your switch, you may be able to go to your dealer and ask if Triumph will replace it under goodwill. Some dealers will work with Triumph NA to make this happen. If your local dealer won't do it, don't be shy about calling around. The Windber Triumph dealer comes highly recommended. Baxters in Iowa is also known to be good to work with.

Good luck and get that headlight relay kit installed right away! guys need to install the eastern beaver relay kit now, or you'll have the same problems all over again....just saying..

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I could not agree more. Guys will spend $100's of dollars on chrome bling, but won't spend $60 and an hour of their time to purchase and install the EB kit...which in my opinion is an absolute necessity due to the now-common ignition issues that exist on the Rockets. I put it off for months, then one power. Left me stuck without a ride, all because I did not heed the advice (and warnings) of my fellow riders.

If you have not done it, just do it. You WIll NOT REGRET IT.

When my ignition failed, I was lucky enough to have a small shop close to me where I had the tech disassemble the ignition barrel to repair the "problem" (this was before I installed the EB kit). What happens - at least on my bike (06 Rocket Classic), is that the two ignition wires are soldered to connection points in the bottom of the barrel. Due to extreme heat I assume, the solder welds had failed and the wires were no longer making contact. He simply re-soldered the wires back, put the barrel back together, and the bike started right up. It was really that simple. However, even though he assured me that the repair would hold up and no further problems should be expected, I went ahead and purchased the EB kit and installed, as my thought was as long as the headlight power was running through the ignition system....the possibility of the same problem occurring again was there. EB kit installed, voila.....entire problem solved, brighter headlights, and no worries whatsoever about going for a ride, stopping for gas, and getting stuck waiting for a tow truck.
Looking at the Eastern Beaver site on the R3 looms i presume that the first one is what most people are buying?

May help you

I just ordered the EB kit.. I chose the Kit for twin H/Lamp with the additional Low Beam On Off Switch, My Idea is to be able to switch of the Low beam at start up to conserve battery power for engine cranking it was a few dollars extra but I figure the chances of a good down hill road to do a Bump Start is a bit of a gamble. bit embarasssing asking for a push

Description:H4 Dual Relay Kit with LO Beam ON/OFF Switching,
Item no:H4DRK-LOBSW , Main Leads Connection: Fuseholder
Unit price:$62.95 USD
Amount:$62.95 USD

Plus 2 toggle switch and shipping cost

Nice Guy I even got an invite when I go over to Japan im March
its shipping now should be arriving any day