Another ignition switch story.
I was on a ride in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. Had a great ride up and over two passes (Carson Pass on Hwy 88 and Ebbets Pass on Hwy 4) and on my way back into the central valley. Bike died making a right turn in Angels Camp, California on Hwy 49.
Got bike off to side of road, figured out it had to be electrical. Checked battery connections, fuses, all OK. Lifted tank and started jiggling different wiring bundles, figured out it was wiring going into switch. This was at 6:00 pm on a Sunday, NO stores open to get any parts to try to bypass.
Called AMA MoTow. After waiting on hold for over 30 minutes, operator came back on and told me there were no tows available anywhere for me, but that "customer service" would call in five minutes to see if they could help me. After waiting for them for 45 minutes and getting really pissed, I decided to call AAA (have tow coverage for my cars but initially forgot about it since haven't used it in about 10 years). They got me a flatbed tow within 30 minutes and got the 65 mile tow back to Elk Grove for no charge.
Bike is now at dealer waiting for new ignition.