Triumph lost my business !

IIRC it took a couple of weeks to get Triumph parts from bikebandit the last time I ordered, which was in January.

Bike died on Sunday. Lights, horn, alarm all worked, just wouldn't turn on.

Went through the fuses and relays. Nuthin' worked.

Thought it was the alarm kill switch malfunctioning, a relay or a hidden fuse.

Brought it to the Dealer today and left it, disgusted that my IBA ride scheduled for this weekend (100CCC) must be postponed. Kudos to AMA towing for 2 MC tows in 3 days at no charge.

Just received the call: It's a bad ignition and it's covered by warranty. Will be ready this weekend as the part is coming from Atlanta. Oy, vey!

Kudos to Triumph for fixing it under warranty, but boo to them for not addressing the problem from the get-go (this isn't the first time Rocket owners have complained about the ignition issue).

I'll let you know how it goes.
it took a month for me to get my ignition switch replaced on my R3T.
The week after I got it back I went to AR for the RAA.
The day I was planning on coming back from the RAA, my bike died. I thought it was the ignition switch again... it turned out to be the wiring harness, it somehow melted according to the dealership.
I had to pay $500 for a uhaul to get back home w/ the bike... the good news is, Triumph say's they're going to reimburse me for the uhaul and extend my warranty...
This is the 2nd time my warranty has been extended. The first was when it had been in the shop for a couple of months waiting on a new shifter that apparently had to be manufactured (Triumph changed manufacturers)
Anyway, if they follow through w/ their promises, I'll be sticking w/ Triumph...
I'll bet you two put the headlight bypass relays on soon after you get them back, now won't you?
It's cheap insurance against missing more events.
..the whole wiring harness is a weak link in these bikes..undersized wiring it seems, even the grounds..but hellfire is right, the headlight relay is a step in the right direction against ign switch has happened more than once in bikes that didn't..
Hellfire, you installed the low beam switch off option, right? What switch did you use, and can you post a pic? Thanks!

Well, K, care to let us old heads know how you did it? Best parts, etc.?

I just used a toggle switch and one of those carbon fiber look alike flip up covers. Got both at Pep Boys, turned the switch upside down so that when the cover is down the switch is on. You lift the cover and flip the switch to turn off the headlights. I put it on the plastic trim on the left side just in front of the side cover (burned my hand on the exhaust a time or two reaching for it while riding).
The guy makes a version that has both high and low beam switched, but I figured it would be on low beam when I turned it off anyway and I can flip the high beams on when I have them off.
I cut the wires on the parking lights in the headlights so that when I had them off ... they were OFF. Works good. Very bright WHITE lights now without the ignition switch in the way.

For those who don't know the parts, the harness is from that guy over in Japan ... Beaver products or something like that. I'll have to look around for the link again.

Update ..... It's Eastern Beaver Company. Motorcycle Relay Kits, Parts, Powerlet, Centech, Posi-Lock, and More!
You should read his little blog about himself on his website ... it's a hoot.
If you order the relay kit, ask for longer wire length, like +12 inches, on the relays, so they will fit under the tank. He'll do it no extra charge, I expect.
I didn't do this and had to zip tie them stuffed next to the right side of the head stock. Didn't want to cut and splice.
I added PIAA bulbs at the same time.
I don't need the high beams during the day anymore ;-)