Triumph lost my business !

Yes, the parts I found were from wrecked bikes. You see, the T-Bird actually requires a bit of riding skill because it actually rides and handles like a bike, unlike the Rocket that handles like a log truck. In fact, I believe most of the wrecked bikes were from former Rocket owners that weren't used to such a nimble bike and it got away from them.

Also, I know this concept is very difficult for Rocket owners to comprehend, but unlike the Rocket, the T-Bird is actually reliable. Oh shoot, I forgot, you Rocket vermin do not know the definition of the term "reliable". Reliable means you can actually ride your bike between service intervals without fear of it breaking down. Yes, an incredible concept, I know. No more of the following (and quite common) issues:

- Leaky head gaskets
- Paint can rattles
- TPS failures
- Ignition switch failures
- GPS failures
- Mirrors that just myteriously come loose and/or fall off
- Tires that are not appropriate for the application
- High idle issues
- lifter shafts failures

Wow, that's quite a list and I didn't have to think for more than 15 seconds to come up with it and at least two of the above are so common that Triumph issued recalls on them. It appears the Rocket's reliability is closely aligned with it's performance; good for short, quick bursts, but not much on stamina or top end.

Doh! I didn't, I wouldn't, yes, I did say it....

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk nyuk...
Finally traded my my Harley & guy (both were having parts problems/leaks) for a "new" used older Bonnieville. Ok, you can't get the accessories you like, ......would you really like to have a skull & cross bones back rest, ....and of course, I have no problems getting parts for an older model, so why pick a Honda?
Rocket i actually agree to a extent about the handling , i don't think you need more skill to ride a tbird , but you definetly have to get used to it if your coming of a rocket ,
I quickly become very very aware at how different they are when i jumped of my rocket onto the tbird ,

On the rocket its soild and heavy and when you push , to go into a bend its solid is the only way i can describe it ,
But when i go out on my bird i've quickly learnt if you don't adapt especially in bends , you could well end up in a tree , has you tend to be a lot more direct with the t bird.

I beg to differ. A 2 year bike is a new bike. The manufacture has not started stocking a lot of hard parts other than wear items. The parts he is buying he is putting on new bikes. The low parts supply is not helped by the low sales volume. Not going to have 1000 spare parts when you've only sold 3-4000 bikes.
What 2 year bike? Rockets have been around 10 years and yes, a Roadster is still a Rocket.
Changing the name and adding ABS does not make it a new bike.
Changes in trim is the big differences in the models. The touring and standard will have different brake lines, but they are the same basic line ... just different bends.
His brake line may have slightly different bends to it but the ends still bolt to the same fittings. I don't understand why they cannot just get him a line and reroute the bends as necessary. I suspect that the people he is dealing with don't know enough about the bikes and are going off the part numbers. The numbers will be different, but the lines will be the same only with different (slight) bends to accommodate the location of the master cyl. It's just a brake line, they do bend.
anyone ever try for OEM parts????

What year "older" Bonny did you get? I still miss my '69. Can you believe I traded it for a '48 8N tractor? It ran like a train on a track when it came to the twisties. Now the tractor engine is in the bike... well, it is the bike!
I get nearly all my parts from bikebandit. Triumph parts have taken a little longer but not much.

how long does it take to get Triumph parts Ugarte?? just curious thinking bout getting my parts from there.