Triumph GT windscreen on the R, worth it or buffeting?

The Powerbronze does not flow with the lines and looks of the bike and I do not like the mechanical stuff on the front. I found a wonderful well made screen made specifically for the Rocket 3 and it flows with the lines of the bike. The screen does such a nice job the GT is a fine tourer.

This actually looks nice! Do you have any front facing pics, and ones from the rider's vantage point?

The Powerbronze looks fffugly and destroys the look of this bike in my humble opinion and with no offense intended to those who have it. I understand that it's a matter of preference (comfort vs looks) and I respect that.
Actually when I am sitting on the bike I am looking over this windshield. For some reason in pictures it looks higher than it is. I am 6' tall for reference
Oh good. May consider one. Mine in pics looks much taller than actual as well.
Went out for a long ride today in Annapolis, MD and it is pretty cold. It did very well. No buffeting, the hole in the windscreen prevents the Venturi effect, and the wind is deflected just over my helmet with nothing on my head and chest and I am looking over the top of the screen when I am sitting on the bike.
Doesn't that hole in the screen cause air to come through to you, i can see it being nice in summer, but a bit cool in autumn, spring and winter
Doesn't that hole in the screen cause air to come through to you, i can see it being nice in summer, but a bit cool in autumn, spring and winter
I rode yesterday. Yes a little wind does come through, but the airstream effect keeps it to a minimum. This is why Harley tourers all have a vent in addition to the windscreen so it minimized the Venturi effect and the buffeting.
I rode yesterday. Yes a little wind does come through, but the airstream effect keeps it to a minimum. This is why Harley tourers all have a vent in addition to the windscreen so it minimized the Venturi effect and the buffeting.
awesome, i will have to look into one of these, i have the powerbronze adjustable but the bottom plastic that holds the adjustable mount and windshield split in half while out riding one day, so that puppy is now toast, contacted the company about it, and it was a case of, oh well sucks to be you, so i have been in the market for something else
awesome, i will have to look into one of these, i have the powerbronze adjustable but the bottom plastic that holds the adjustable mount and windshield split in half while out riding one day, so that puppy is now toast, contacted the company about it, and it was a case of, oh well sucks to be you, so i have been in the market for something else
These also do not flex at all at any speed
Mine works well, but don't like on adjustable the bottom section gets dirty, bugs. And you cannot clean without removing screws. Don't like looks of 2 parts rather than 1.
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The Powerbronze does not flow with the lines and looks of the bike and I do not like the mechanical stuff on the front. I found a wonderful well made screen made specifically for the Rocket 3 and it flows with the lines of the bike. The screen does such a nice job the GT is a fine tourer.

Maybe I missed it, but DOCGSS, what's the brand of your windshield and where did you buy it?
Maybe I missed it, but DOCGSS, what's the brand of your windshield and where did you buy it?
No problem. California Scientific, odd name for a motorcycle parts company. They are in SW Missouri.
