I bought the mid sized Powerbronze windscreen and it looks decent enough on my Rocket. I will use it only for rides over 100 plus miles if I must use the freeway. The screen itself is surprisingly thin and it flexes downwards the faster you go. It scratches easy and seems a little fragile. It really is good at wind deflection up to 70 mph. After that it goes downhill very fast. At 80 mph you really feel the wind. The wind hits my head and shoulder area but doesn't hit my chest. I don't have to hold on as tight for longer rides due to lack of wind in my chest so that's good. The OEM wind screen is perfect up to about 50 mph and then it's full on wind after that plus the OEM looks really good. The Powerbronze isn't as good as I was hoping but it is adequate in that it's better at higher speeds than the OEM. I would place the Powerbronze as a little better than my 2014 Sports screen and no where near as good as the old OEM full screen. I'm thinking for long touring the larger adjustable Powerbronze would be the best bet although at this time I don't want to go in that direction.
The Powerbronze does not flow with the lines and looks of the bike and I do not like the mechanical stuff on the front. I found a wonderful well made screen made specifically for the Rocket 3 and it flows with the lines of the bike. The screen does such a nice job the GT is a fine tourer.
The Powerbronze does not flow with the lines and looks of the bike and I do not like the mechanical stuff on the front. I found a wonderful well made screen made specifically for the Rocket 3 and it flows with the lines of the bike. The screen does such a nice job the GT is a fine tourer.
The Powerbronze does not flow with the lines and looks of the bike and I do not like the mechanical stuff on the front. I found a wonderful well made screen made specifically for the Rocket 3 and it flows with the lines of the bike. The screen does such a nice job the GT is a fine tourer.
i have recently used 'Plasti-dip' on the backside of my screen too...found the black looked a bit brown in the sunlight ...it dosnt have the fleck of the Phantom Black of the bike....i like it tho.
I did email 'Dart' flyscreens and asked if they were going to build a screen for the new Rockets and they replied saying no...its not in their plan....so i painted mine.
The Powerbronze does not flow with the lines and looks of the bike and I do not like the mechanical stuff on the front. I found a wonderful well made screen made specifically for the Rocket 3 and it flows with the lines of the bike. The screen does such a nice job the GT is a fine tourer.
I’ve been thinking of getting one of these. I’m about 6’2”. Do you think it would put the airstream above my head, or would it be going right into my face? How is it on the highway at 75-80 mph?
The Powerbronze does not flow with the lines and looks of the bike and I do not like the mechanical stuff on the front. I found a wonderful well made screen made specifically for the Rocket 3 and it flows with the lines of the bike. The screen does such a nice job the GT is a fine tourer.
Actually when I am sitting on the bike I am looking over this windshield. For some reason in pictures it looks higher than it is. I am 6' tall for reference
Went out for a long ride today in Annapolis, MD and it is pretty cold. It did very well. No buffeting, the hole in the windscreen prevents the Venturi effect, and the wind is deflected just over my helmet with nothing on my head and chest and I am looking over the top of the screen when I am sitting on the bike.