Triking the beast

I went from 310 to 175. Like I said before, the only time the beast scares me is when it ain't moving. For better or worse I've decided to trike it. Today through a local shop I ordered a Motor Trike kit. it's straight axle and I think the beast will look great. Also thinking of painting it white. We'll see. Looking for a cool old school Triumph badge for the trunk. Suggestions? Also if I repaint I will need to replace tank badges? Aftermarket source? I've sent a request to Pure Triumph. Thanks all.
Here is a pic of my R3 trike. It gets more attention than any other bike I've ever seen or owned. Might want to think best how to profile the silencers. Mine are the TORS but had the exhausts reprofiled to squeeze through the rear suspension. U will love it mate.


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Motortrike kit will arrive next week. Dealer and MotorTrike confirmed kit for R3T. In fact I wanted to be sure quick release passenger backrest will still work. I'm also repainting bike pearl white. Ain't many Rockets in these parts, dern sure not any trikes, and very dern sure ain't no white, R3T, trikes. I'll post pics when done. (Ok somebody tell me how to post pics.)
Gonna be a whole lot of R3T goodies for sale real soon. Paniers(bags), chrome bag rails,rear tire and wheel, rear fender, rear bumper rail, tag mount, blinkers, rear shocks, and whatever else goes away on trike conversion. Later all....
Good luck with the conversion.
Next, how to post pictures.
open up another tab up top.
go to the site
have your pictures ready, on say your desktop
for instance or somewhere you can find them.
On the tinypic page hit "browse".
find your picture you want to post.
Hit the "upload now" button.
You'll see 4 lines of code appear.
Select the second from the top,
highlight it and "copy" it.
Hit the other tab up top, the one that brings you back
to this site and your open post.
Hit paste and it'll show up as code you're pasting into the post.
Hit submit post and the picture shows up.
Sounds complicated till you do it once then it's easy.
Again, good luck with your conversion,
can't wait to see a white Rocket trike.
Since you mention R3T Im assuming a "Tourer" not a "Touring" inasmuchas MotorTrike doesn't have a TourING conversion. I too am giving strong consideration of triking out my R3 TourER, which has all that Bling you identify.

Thanks much for the instruction. Will be posting when done.
Im very much interested in seeing your conversion R3Trike. All Im really stalling on is the inside information on is exhaust and rear braking upgrade.
Bear, had his R3 upgraded awhile back and went through an issue regarding the rear braking power. Where did you have yours done? Im looking for experienced folks with the R3.
The beast is triked

Got it done and you are correct that Motor Trike did not and does not have a kit specifically for the R3T. The conversion almost fell through but MotorTrike offered to install the kit at their facility to R&D my bike for the R3T kit. I shipped it down there and they did install the kit. Many shortcomings on the Motor Trike installation but my local dealer went above and beyond addressing every issue. It's been along ordeal but I brought it home today. I can go in detail at a later date but I would not let Motor Trike install the kit. My dealer can do a better job. That would be Pioneer Equipment in Winchester, TN. I will post pictures soon and it is awesume. Even triked the beast still shows that amazing torque and acceleration. Yes, handling is totally different. I'm checking all suspension and tire pressures and such tomorrow and will give it some shake down riding. Do I regret this? Well, time will tell, At least it don't scare me any more at lights, stop signs, uneven grades and such. It will not fall over now and it is the most awesume trike I have seen. More later...