we teach, that when you stop, your eyes are in the mirror, your in 1rst, clutch is in, and you better be ready move at an instant, we spend a good amount of time teaching emergency braking, and quick take offs, thats how i stop always, it has saved me few times especially this year, this year was nuts, but we also teach if you need to go to neutral at a stop, wait until you have two are three cars behind you, that gives you a good buffer if the person way at the back doesn't stop. Also on the M test, if you come to a stop and put it in neutral or the brake light goes off, your getting marked for it. I got to witness one of these in the spring this year, rider pulled up behind the car, but to close, and lined up in the middle of the car instead over to the side, vehicle came up from behind and when they finally decided that stopping might be a good idea it was way to late, he managed to move the bike and two cars right out into the intersection. I drove a recovery wrecker in northern Ontario for about 5-years, i got to witness some pretty serious carnage and devastation, that accident in the spring though, is something that i'll never get out of my head, kind of sucks, but good reminder