Here it's suicide not to sit between cars. Cell phones are a constant distraction and rear end along with right of way collisions are plentiful around my location. The Bay Area morons decided to move here after trashing their cities they want to trash mine now. I digress. I have seen way to many motorcycles hit from behind and there really is no way to keep from getting plowed into. I just try to minimize my exposure. Cheers.
Sitting at a light in 1st with the clutch in is like sitting at a light with out a helmet and telling your self your never going to need it.
50,000 th clutch fells just like the day i bought it.
I usually don't tell my buddies what to do but i am sitting there in first with my clutch lever pulled in ready to haul a$$ if i hear/see tires squealing
I usually don't tell my buddies what to do but i am sitting there in first with my clutch lever pulled in ready to haul a$$ if i hear/see tires squealing
OK, answer is yes. Way I see it is since left hand on grip, watching mirrors, I could tell if someone approaching is not slowing down, and fingers grap clutch simultaneously as foot hits first. 1/4 of a second! I also pump hand break usually if no one else I know is behind me. Whatever one feels most comfortable with.
Here it's suicide not to sit between cars. Cell phones are a constant distraction and rear end along with right of way collisions are plentiful around my location. The Bay Area morons decided to move here after trashing their cities they want to trash mine now. I digress. I have seen way to many motorcycles hit from behind and there really is no way to keep from getting plowed into. I just try to minimize my exposure. Cheers.
Neighbor of mine ( toughest chick I ever knew) was even riding amongst her friends. She pulled up to a red light. Her gal friend was apparently day dreaming( it happens), and fkn SMOKED her from behind. Mangled her leg. I ride with a buddy who not only follows waaay to close to vehicles in front of him. But I’ve watched him almost rear end vehicle’s, blow through red lights, and react to late to side street pullouts. I like riding with the guy. He actually has more years in the saddle than do I. But I prefer to follow him. Where do you like to position yourself during a “buddy’s ride”? Front, centre, rear?
Yeah good clutch. Vibration issues aside, I was told long ago by a good mechanic that constantly holding the clutch lever in while stopped will wear out the plates much faster.
As a clutch wears it's friction plates during engagement, and perhaps a bit during disengagement, how would they wear whilst just spinning? Perhaps the mechanic was referring to wear on a bearing of some sort. Also, I never engage the clutch to slow the machine down..... It is easier to change the brake pads than the friction discs.