Ok , I will try to explain .
The metal plate that is used is a ⅜ thick T1 metal plate I believe ( When I bought mine this was explained me as being the same metal as they use in trailer frames , True or false I cannot say ) but it is ⅜ thick .It uses the same holes as the muffler brackets , ⅜" to a ½" longer bolts . To install on my bike I fabricated a spacer that I use with the U bolts ( in the pics ) which are used to hold the hitch on the cross member that holds the saddlebags together in the rear . What I do have for you Mr. Rocky is a template drawn on cray paper that I will send to you by mail. All I need is your email . Forgot to mention that the holes that hold the plate for the ball is threads 1/2 " coarse thread and that I use a nylock nut with blue locTite. I use loctite on all nut & bolts . My email is
vinetbernardd@gmail.com Hoping this helps out .