Trailer hitches...

. . . . and tis in such sweet condition as well!
I rode 12 months a year in Buffalo, NY, it's the price you pay. And the powder coat was crap, failed within a year
Hey Rocky
I have a hitch from Trailer inc in Canada . It is a very easy hitch to fabricate . I just happened to have taken it off to do some work on the rear end of my bike . I believe I could actually stencil it out on crap paper . It can be cut out of ½ or ⅝ steel plate . This you could have done at a steel shop & it would probably be much cheaper . Let me know if your interested and I would work on this during the weekend . I would send picture of hitch on and of the bike No charge , just helping out .
GREAT MINDS think alike.... I have been drawing up something very similar the last couple of days.... why 1/2" or 5/8' plate? was going to use 1/8" 0r 3/16" plate though.... there is not really that much weight from a small motorcycle trailer... If you could trace it out so I can look at it that would be swell.... also I am not too clear on how it mounts to the exhaust portion of the brakcet I am thinking it should mount on top, but then the plat has to be bent to go below the bag bar.....
GREAT MINDS think alike.... I have been drawing up something very similar the last couple of days.... why 1/2" or 5/8' plate? was going to use 1/8" 0r 3/16" plate though.... there is not really that much weight from a small motorcycle trailer... If you could trace it out so I can look at it that would be swell.... also I am not too clear on how it mounts to the exhaust portion of the brakcet I am thinking it should mount on top, but then the plat has to be bent to go below the bag bar.....
I can do that for you with pic's to show how it mounts . I'll start work on it this morning .
I would be careful changing from 1/2” or 5/8” stock to only a1/8” stock. The thicker metal was used for a reason. Flat stock
distortion is a real concern under stress. Pulling a trailer is never just simple easy stops. When you are traveling at 60 mph and you have a truck pull out , the trailer has to be connected firm to your bike. Personally, I wouldn’t go that light. Just my opinion.
Ok , I will try to explain .
The metal plate that is used is a ⅜ thick T1 metal plate I believe ( When I bought mine this was explained me as being the same metal as they use in trailer frames , True or false I cannot say ) but it is ⅜ thick .It uses the same holes as the muffler brackets ,only a little longer ⅜" to a ½" . To install on my bike I fabricated a space that I use with the U bolts ( in the pics . What I do have for you Mr. Rocky is a template draw on cray paper that I will send to you by mail.


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Ok , I will try to explain .
The metal plate that is used is a ⅜ thick T1 metal plate I believe ( When I bought mine this was explained me as being the same metal as they use in trailer frames , True or false I cannot say ) but it is ⅜ thick .It uses the same holes as the muffler brackets , ⅜" to a ½" longer bolts . To install on my bike I fabricated a spacer that I use with the U bolts ( in the pics ) which are used to hold the hitch on the cross member that holds the saddlebags together in the rear . What I do have for you Mr. Rocky is a template drawn on cray paper that I will send to you by mail. All I need is your email . Forgot to mention that the holes that hold the plate for the ball is threads 1/2 " coarse thread and that I use a nylock nut with blue locTite. I use loctite on all nut & bolts . My email is Hoping this helps out .


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I would be careful changing from 1/2” or 5/8” stock to only a1/8” stock. The thicker metal was used for a reason. Flat stock
distortion is a real concern under stress. Pulling a trailer is never just simple easy stops. When you are traveling at 60 mph and you have a truck pull out , the trailer has to be connected firm to your bike. Personally, I wouldn’t go that light. Just my opinion.
Thanks..... Just trying to solve the manufacturing process of working with 1/2 stock... I am a good fab man... but lack the tools to work that thick..
I see now... beautifully simple and stout... I think I can make this fairly easy.... even if I have to part out the plate cutting... nice easy design that does not seem to interfere with the exhaust mounts... I have a nice mud flap all picked out also to mount... Thanks
I'll give you mine, if you pay the postage, you have to paint or powder coat a new one anyway. Unless you just like making stuff, that I understand.