Touring in hot weather

That's good news! Catching the ferry Monday morning and stopping at Nantes that evening. Kinda resigned myself that we're getting wet at some point, probably on the way from Southampton to Poole!
It is a good 7->10°C cooler today. Near bloody froze at 9AM in a mesh Jacket.
Don't forget Tuesday 15th is a public Holiday in Spain. Traffic advisory
Martes 15 de Agosto
Por la mañana presentarán problemas de circulación los accesos al litoral y carreteras que unen poblaciones costeras de acceso a playas.

Ya por la tarde comenzará el RETORNO de los que han disfrutado de este periodo festivo de agosto, así como de los que han finalizado sus vacaciones en la primera quincena de agosto, presentándose intensidades elevadas de tráfico y problemas de circulación en los principales ejes viarios de comunicación que encauzan todo el movimiento de regreso desde las zonas turísticas de costa, descanso y segundas residencias, hacia los accesos de los grandes núcleos urbanos, pudiéndose prolongar este retorno hasta altas horas de la noche.
En este día, se instalarán durante la tarde-noche medidas de ordenación y regulación del tráfico para favorecer la entrada de vehículos a los grandes núcleos urbanos.
La franja de horas desfavorables para este día será desde las 17 hasta las 24 horas.

If you need anything just shout. No work for me next week.
My Spanish is just good enough to see that they forecast a major traffic tie up for the 15th!
It is a good 7->10°C cooler today. Near bloody froze at 9AM in a mesh Jacket.
Don't forget Tuesday 15th is a public Holiday in Spain. Traffic advisory

If you need anything just shout. No work for me next week.

Thanks Chris, really appreciate that
My Spanish is just good enough to see that they forecast a major traffic tie up for the 15th!
Yup - A mix of folk returning from summer hol's and folk who've taken a long holiday weekend.

Especially hit are roads leading towards Madrid and Barcelona. We have a road behind our house that is amongst them.
There are a couple of evil bends - so generally a thump or two - massive queues. We'll stay at home.
No probbies - You have my phone numbers etc in a PM.

Weather for your French bit (Mon-Tue) looks to be improving. Southern Spain (Wed) - Looks as if the heat will return.

Yea saw that they're forecasting 40° in Malaga on Thursday may stay in the Sierra Nevada!
Mid August i'll be riding from the UK through France and down to Estepona (southern tip of Spain) and back with a Ducati Diavel riding mate.

I reckon we'll be spending some time in 104+ temperatures and wondered if any of you guys that regularly ride in these temps have any tips for the rider and the bike? Somebody has suggested filling tyres with nitrogen?

I know some will be thinking 'what's the fuss?' but remember I live in the UK! summer temps reach a heady 77 if we're very lucky, for a day or two so covering around 3000 miles over two weeks in high temps is very different for us.

Cheers chaps :cool:
Forget nitrogen it's a waste of money.
Get a mesh (airflow) jacket.
Don't ware a cotton Tshirt, switch to the 'sports' material the stuff that wicks away moisture.
You have received MUCH good advice on this thread.
I also use simple scarf that I can wet and wear around my neck.
Air mesh jacket is a MUST!
