Isadora Duncan, the American dancer, was killed in an automobile accident at 9:40 o'clock tonight. She was trying out a new automobile on the Promenade Des Anglais, when a gust of wind blew a long scarf which she was wearing around her neck over the side of the car. It became entangled in one of the wheels and dragged the dancer out of the machine into the roadway. Her neck was broken.
A premonition of her doom was only too true. A French chauffeur was teaching her to drive the new car, which was speeding along, when the dancer met death.
Fate seemed to have caused automobiles to play no small part in the life of Isadora Duncan. On several occasions she was injured, sometimes seriously, in automobile accidents, and in 1913 her two children, Beatrice, 5 years of age, and Patrick, 3, were drowned in the Seine River, near Paris, when their automobile ran into the river.
Later in 1913 she was seriously injured in an automobile accident, and in May of 1924, was knocked unconscious when her car was in collision with another in Leningrad. On other occasions she narrowly escaped death from drowning and one of these accidents occurred at Nice, where she was killed.