You could move to Fife the fresh air in Fife will make you grow a few inches, stop following Ayr Unt and switch to the Gers that will straighten you up also one more point --you are sober when you are sitting on the bike? knowing them Ayrshire boys you might be sitting on it backwards
I'll agree with Scott in that taking some material off the seat will help. Get a grinder and a sanding disk, a staple remover and a staple gun and staples. Doing this will make a big mess creating the look of a winter wonderland but it's cheaper than going to a seat guy or buying a one size fits all seat. If you go this route. Take it slow. Material can and will come off fast.
Hey Norm is that the original seat that you cut down, as I am thinking of doing the same thing.
I assume that you just removed the staples to get the foam out and re-stapled back on. Did the seat cover fit OK!
I just got used to it... I'm 5'7" and when I first got my R3T I was also looking for lowering / seat change options but never actually made any changes. I don't think I would change anything now 1 year and 5.5k miles later. Maybe a new seat for comfort not necessarily for height change. Good luck either way...
I'm 5'9" and felt sorry for myself till this post.
Just be careful on loose or slick surfaces!! Those tip toes can slide real easy. After a year, though, have not had any mishaps (due to the seat width issue). Laid it down once when I first got it because I let it lean too far, no harm done, though.
I, too, sat on a classic and it was lower, but got a deal on this touring, so grabbed it!
You will like it more in direct proportion to the length of time you have owned it.
Hey Norm is that the original seat that you cut down, as I am thinking of doing the same thing.
I assume that you just removed the staples to get the foam out and re-stapled back on. Did the seat cover fit OK!
I cut my seat pan too to get it as far back as I could and cut some holes in it too. When I first got the bike the seat was extremely uncomfortable for me. The stock cover is really stretchy so it stretches into the bucket when I sit in it. I took quite a bit of material off so the stitch lines don't match up with the padding any more. I might play with different foam in the future. Once I get it to where I want it I'll get it covered in leather. I also removed the rear rubber spacers and the crossbar so the only thing holding my seat on is the rear bolt.
Personally I think it is going to near impossible for you to get comfy on the rocket without some bone craft leg extensions, if you cannot control the bike just sitting on it wait until you try some slow tight turns, not being cruel just being truthful.