WELL DAVE thats thats exactly what we did maybe they didnt break evreytime they showed up but they broke enough to anger the other bike owners they even travel with chase trucks on big rides so dont tell me how many times they break we had enough and they were the only bikes that broke other than a couple of antique 2 strokes from the 60s so save that speech for someone that hasnt spent hours on the side of the road with the HDs and those ****ing POS CHOPPERS they shake parts off like a wet dog shakes of water those things are ****ing junk and thats the best I can say about them
@Tripps and @HansO rode my old Heritage for 3000 miles each and the bike never missed a bit, so just like any man made machine they will work but eventually they will break, ask @Rocket Scientist and a few of the other guys tgat had their rockets break
WELL DAVE the HARLEYS look better than ever if you like that look and they cost more than any other bike I saw one at the local dealer and it was $50,000 unbelievable I said I can buy a new CORVETTE for almost the same price lots of CHROME and custom paint jobs BUT the engines SUCK as do the brakes and handling I dont like riding them they are always a letdown
40-50k takes ALL the fun out of it for me. S C R E W that. How many really nice barely used bikes can a guy get with 45000.00 (plus tax and delivery, and, and, and..Cuz you know that you will still want things like stage one to wake it up. STUPID money.
Unfortunately my Harley riding friends don't venture out of the "little Harley dome of their world" either. They tried for awhile to possibly beat the Boss Hoss either from a stop or at some point while riding from a moving start. They found out that was futile so they quickly stopped that and just rightfully chalked it up to the total unfairness of the situation. Then I got the Rocket and once again the same fast for Harley guys tried the same thing but also with the same results. Then they started asking questions. They were amazed to find out it was 140 cu inches stock. They were amazed it had twice the torque and way more horsepower than eventhe biggest CVO Harley had and they were stock. I told them about the Carpenter kit for less money than many of them have trying to add a few cu inches and the 200 plus horsepower those bikes have. Once again they were amazed. I told them the stock bike price, more amazement. How many bought one or want to buy one so far, zero, now it was my turn to be AMAZED.
Was at my Monday MC breakfast today and they wanted to know if I was taking the R3T to the weekend Leakey TX trip this weekend. They are very curious about the bike and its giant mill. Many are retired cops and many of those are ex motorcycle cops so they are enthused about it. It is certainly the square peg in the group but most find it very intriguing. Hope I get it out of the shop doing the dyno this week, two weeks now...getting old waiting.
SONNY those things are a pain in the ass who wants an unreliable bike you dont want to ride the **** things and be stuck on the road we stopped riding with them we tell them where were headed and tell them meet us there for lunch or whatever that way I dont have to work on the things when they break
Granted they were newer bikes and every ride was on a different purchase but between 2003 and 2009 I took a ride almost every year with national HOG and HOG central employees (including Willy G a few years). These rides were 3-4+ weeks and included the ride to the beginning and a round about ride home from the actual event rides ( Lewis and Clark, Sea to shining Sea, Pony Express ETC were some of the themes Etc. ) The rides ran from a short of 5500 miles to over 9000 miles all in. While I had services done on the road I never had anything break down, tho I did see some stators etc pop up amongst the 500+ that were typical on the ride. Overpriced YES, some shoddy parts YES. Some tools in the crowd... for sure. I met some of the coolest people on these rides, real riders from all over the country and Canada, France, Japan and other places. It was always well put together , came with great one off HOG riders gifts. We even filmed for a commercial on part of one of the trips which was a fun adventure. This is something HD does well, community. Also after market, none better than Harley Davidson for a giant after market availability. Independent mechanics everywhere. HD shop across the country if one does need to be repaired. While HD does have its draw backs and plenty of detractors it also has some very nice positives for both posers and real mileage eaters.
For what it is worth; back in February I was in Vegas for business and 9 of us stayed out an extra day to rent bikes and ride out to the Hoover Dam, Red Rocks and the Valley of fire. 7 guys rented 2015 H-D bikes and 2 guys rented 2015 Indians. I had an Indian. 3 out of the 7 H-D bikes broke down and we had to leave them where they broke down for the dealer to pick up. That is 42% of the H-D bikes rented broke down in a ride that was under 300 miles. That is a high percentage of break downs out of new the motor company's new "Rushmore" line. At least the H-D mechanics are staying busy.
YES exactly thats the crap we had to put up with we SO we decided not to ride with the HARLEYS we tell them where were headed and see if they can make it there on their own LOL
He is a big boy, he can take it:D
HEY DOESNT BOTHER ME I worked at a HARLEY dealer for years and had my own HARLEY RACE SHOP even had the TOP FUEL record for a while back in the 60s so you cant tell me anything about them that would surprise me other than some wild stories about how fast and reliable and how good they stop and handle LOL
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