Top Speed of Stock Rocket.

I sure this question has been asked before. What is the top speed of a stock Rocket 3? This is with the top speed restriction turned way up. On TuneEcu the max top speed is 299 kph.

The question seems to be top speed of a STOCK rocket with speed limiter removed, many years since mine was stock so I can't answer that one.
I know it's hard to know the top speed when the speedometer is pegged. I use to own a Honda V65 Magna, I never knew what top speed was. It would still be pulling hard past the speedometers 165 max. I heard different opinions on how fast the Magna was, 173, 181,etc. All I know is I gave all she had for miles at a time. It had a 10,000 RPM redline. It held the road, that was a good bike. I could see the Rocket going over 180 in the right conditions.
I opened the bike up a little yesterday. I ran across a man on race ready drag bike,Hayabusa. It definitely was not built for the road. I followed him for a ways then we decided to air it out in a straight away. I have a Corbin fairing on my bike and around 135-140 there was either wobble from the steering or the fairing was oscillating. I slowed it down then I sped back up the vibration returned. This started me thinking about the strength of this fairing. How much can it withstand? I know the down forces were probably pretty high as well.
It is in my nature to push my machines to their max. I need to ensure that I have the right equipment on my bike: tires, steering damper(thanks warp 9), etc

I thought maybe somebody somewhere put a radar gun on a Rocket on a closed course. Dodge built a truck a few years ago and they did this. I think it's top speed was 144?
On the tire issue well the only way to get a 16 inch rim with a ZR rated tire (W) rated for speeds in excess of 186 is to ...go to CT (fixed).

Got the tyre (CT!) Now worrying about the 186 bit........

Personally I get a bigger rush from the torque generated acceleration than from outright speed. 200km/h plenty for me.

Yep, spot on!!!

(Why don't you write in to C C & T mag and tell 'em??????) :D
A few years ago I figured top speed for a stock rocket using max RPMs, tire size, 5th gear ratio, and final drive ratio (not considering wind resistance) and it was 179.3 mph.
So what happened with you and the busa?

I opened the bike up a little yesterday. I ran across a man on race ready drag bike,Hayabusa. It definitely was not built for the road. I followed him for a ways then we decided to air it out in a straight away. I have a Corbin fairing on my bike and around 135-140 there was either wobble from the steering or the fairing was oscillating. I slowed it down then I sped back up the vibration returned. This started me thinking about the strength of this fairing. How much can it withstand? I know the down forces were probably pretty high as well.
It is in my nature to push my machines to their max. I need to ensure that I have the right equipment on my bike: tires, steering damper(thanks warp 9), etc

I thought maybe somebody somewhere put a radar gun on a Rocket on a closed course. Dodge built a truck a few years ago and they did this. I think it's top speed was 144?
I left him in my dust. I know his bike was built for quarter mile, but I think it came down to him having more sense than me. We were going about 75 when he opened it up to pass a truck, I followed him and we got on it. I blew by him. But I don't think that bike was set up for the street. I think he got scared and let off the throttle. Probably just smarter than me. This bike was stretched and lowered, no mirrors. Laying down to ride it. This bike looked nothing close to stock. When I first came up on him he was trying to get it turned around. It took a lot of room to get this thing turned. I think the road we were on kept his speed down. He was having a hard time controlling that thing. When he caught up with me he gave me a thumbs up and smiled. It probably was funny to him seeing a guy with a fairing and Saddle bags and sissy bar blow by him.
I sure this question has been asked before. What is the top speed of a stock Rocket 3? This is with the top speed restriction turned way up. On TuneEcu the max top speed is 299 kph.

Second question what are the recommend tires for this max speed.

The top speed of stock machine would be around 210-220kph although some have reported much lower top speeds.
The speedos are around 6% above what you are really doing.

Tyre ratings are here,a H rated would be the minimum,I prefer the V rated.
scroll down to speed ratings and dont forget to look at load ratings as well
Tire code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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