To bike or not to bike, this is the question

Only ever had one crack at a sidecar.... i was hopeless. Ran it into a gutter, even out in a paddock i couldn't get the hang of it. Would be a brave soul that got into a sidecar with me in charge :cool: ha ha
I have followed a mate that went in to a corner a bit to hot.... how he did not kill himself defies belieave to this day I still have images of this goldwing up on two wheels leaning the wrong way around a bend... need less to say the rider went very pale and still was for awhile later, wouldn't admit it but I reckon he shat himself! he had been ridding a sidecar for years but after that he lost interest in it and sold it. That sight was enought to put me off the idea of even trying it!!!!:eek:
20 odd years ago me and two mates, all on 750 Bonnies followed a bloke on a black 1000cc BMW and DJP chair from Mooball all the way through the Buribar Range. Me and my mates had been tripping for last 2 days and were passing a bottle of Stones between each other as we rode ( as you do). We were on our way back from Dorrigo and needless to say we were hammering. We played cat and mouse with the guy on the BM all the way to Murwullumbah , as a matter of fact we tailed him into town. I remember because a copper waved him in and then the cop tried to get us to pull up too ,the BM stopped we didn't. Never have seen anyone ride a chair like that bloke, he was f#ckin incredible the way he threw it into corners.
:D 20 odd years ago , rocking i'd imagine... it's still a ' call-in pub' on the Odins Warriors Poker Run every year.... P.S Beautiful outfit you've put together mate. Bike and chair look like they are made for each other.
:D 20 odd years ago , rocking i'd imagine... it's still a ' call-in pub' on the Odins Warriors Poker Run every year.... P.S Beautiful outfit you've put together mate. Bike and chair look like they are made for each other.

Thanks, since these pictures, I've added a grab rail and small windscreen and a steering damper to the Bonnie....Here's me with 3 of my grandsons, off for an ice cream ride.
As much as I'd like a Diavel I've made my choice I want something that I can ride to work everyday good on fuel and tires good in the twists and still relatively fun to ride and not a big deal to clean
So I have decided on the Triumph street triple r in the not too distant future to keep the rocket company in the shed
As much as I'd like a Diavel I've made my choice I want something that I can ride to work everyday good on fuel and tires good in the twists and still relatively fun to ride and not a big deal to clean
So I have decided on the Triumph street triple r in the not too distant future to keep the rocket company in the shed
Wait till you check out the 2001 Thunderbird i just scored mate. They go like ********pers (even quicker with Daytona cams and pistons)... comfortable with classic styling and only cost me $5,500 :p. Picked up a spare petrol tank off a mate for $100..thinking seriously about pissing off the rear guard, adding a Corbin seat and making a cafe racer out of it.
About 6 years ago I started searching for one of those. I was after a classic style and liked that they were different to the Bonnie. In the end I went with Kwaka Vulcan instead (which I don't regret) but I've always had a soft spot for the old T'bird. There's a nice one in at Eurotune but he wants way too much for it. Would love to see some pics of it TC.