To ATGATT or not to ATGATT - and to what extent

Trying to be proactive as the last time I did the trip on my 2014 Rocket with the tall windshield it kicked my ass. It will be a little different with a much smaller windshield but I will take your advice on the pads. Cheers.
honestly....i have done 11000 kms on my GT and some of those kms were all day rides...never had a sore bum/back.
Like most of us who have been riding a long time, I have a story of “that one serious accident” … almost 13 years ago now, I was cruising on a highway at about 60mph when an SUV in front of me braked suddenly. Had I not instinctively swerved, I would’ve slammed full force into it and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. As it was, I clipped his right rear, breaking the entire left side of my body, before briefly feeling the experience of human flight. Yes I flew through the air like Superman before slamming into the pavement, bouncing back up into the air, slamming into the pavement again, my body flipping over and over a few more times, then skidding about 20 feet before finally coming to rest as oncoming highway traffic screeched to a halt.

Lucky I was wearing a full face covering helmet, ICON padded leather jacket, sturdy jeans, gloves, and boots because I didn’t always ride fully loaded like that in those days. But had I not been, again, we wouldn’t be having this conversation today. I did sustain multiple fractures - bike gear doesn’t prevent bone breaks, we know that. But when my head slammed into the pavement, not once, but twice, and when I skidded down the highway but suffered no “road rash” — better yet, since I’m not wheelchair bound or eating out of straw today, then I know the gear did it’s job.

Moral to the story is this: yeah I suit up. I don’t go all Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. But I do wear a full face helmet (modular these days to let in some breeze when appropriate), leather jacket (usually my MC vest with kevlar underneath, but I’ll change it up based on the weather and I have a lot of options), jeans, gloves, and boots. No matter what.
I went out and bought the 'padded under ware' for long trips. It's fine riding with them although I sit a little higher in the saddle. They are uncomfortable walking around getting gas and such and I'm always fixing myself and I'm sure the public could do without. That and I look like one of the Kardashians with my padded back porch. I have ridden with and without 100 plus miles and not much difference. I think on my trip in two weeks I will take them but ride the first few 100 miles without and see how I feel from there. Anyone else have the 'padded ass'? If so do you like them. Cheers.
"Padded under ware: ?
Is Depends no longer politically correct?
Going on the trip next Friday. No padded shorts. It's going to be in the upper 90's to over 100 in California, Oregon and Idaho. F***!!

when u stop wet hair/shirt and fill both front shirt pocks with ice. (not joking)
i never tried it but u might try filling pants pocket with ice
i never tried it but u might try filling pants pocket with ice
...ive done that...not voluntarily tho!...rode home in heavy rain one day and it started hailing really heavy!!,,i had hailstones packed between the tank and my crutch and the cold water seeping under my butt crack! was that cold!!...I tried standing up but the ice just went under my bum!!...when i got home i had to jump up and down about a dozen times to get my nuts back down!!!....i shudder now thinking about it!!!
...ive done that...not voluntarily tho!...rode home in heavy rain one day and it started hailing really heavy!!,,i had hailstones packed between the tank and my crutch and the cold water seeping under my butt crack! was that cold!!...I tried standing up but the ice just went under my bum!!...when i got home i had to jump up and down about a dozen times to get my nuts back down!!!....i shudder now thinking about it!!!

so are you saying it should work really good it the summertime :laugh: :laugh: