Tired of tires yet? Here's more....

What tire does the latest Suzuki intruder run...ime sure its a 240 but dont know the make or compound
Good to see you are still around,
That's good mileage for a tire. I'm wondering how far the 170 rear I mounted up front will get me. So far I've about 6000 miles and it still looks new.

Judging by your photo here, I'd say my ExMax V-rated wear-rate mirrors yours pretty closely... I have 13,000+ miles on mine, and it's still serviceable for another thousand or maybe a tad more, I'd estimate. I think the bumpy/lumpy/noisy effect I'm getting right now from mine is coming mostly from the rear tire (installed same time as front). I've kept the ExMax V's aired to 41 psi rear and 38 front, fairly consistently. (I don't like the ride with much more than 38 in the front).

What pressure have you been running?, Marty?
40 in the front and 42 in the rear for the whole 15,000 miles.
Good to see you are still around,
You, too! We've seen some real characters here.

Riding out to Yuma for the weekend. My recently-installed front tire has the slightest vibration at 60+ MPH. Just enough to bother me. Will put 400 miles on it in the next couple days and see if I want to rebalance it then.

Either way, I'm taking my big, fat girl for a 2-day 400-mile spin...