
Riding Motor Since 1950
Jun 17, 2012
Tacoma, WA
2012 R3R "Kong" - 2011 R3R "YurMama"
The pound is falling.
Now is the time to buy all those Triumph accessories that are hard to get over here in the colonies!

I sincerely hope that all our mates from Oz and Britain are not seriously affected by this.
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I think the whole world is in for a very overdue fallout/shakeout of the wildly exaggerated equity asset prices and corporate debt levels. A large amount of US corporate inflows is from UK an EU currency denominated trading corps and when those profits come home they will be worth far less US$. Then as US$ rates rise big time US exports and industries just getting back on their feet will take a big hit.

The European Central Bank will try but get beaten to contain the collapse. Equity markets could easily collapse 50-70% in the next 6 months. Remember in 1992 the Black Wednesday crash when George Soros broke the Bank of England and made a Billion plus. Well he had been shorting the pound for the last month or so again and is looking for a similar score.

This wont resolve itself for at least a year or two and many will go under before its over.
Wouldn't it be nice if British motorcycle manufacturers dumped stock overseas.

Might wait and see if the drop in sterling affects Rocket 3 prices in Oz in the months to come.
Wouldn't it be nice if British motorcycle manufacturers dumped stock overseas.

Might wait and see if the drop in sterling affects Rocket 3 prices in Oz in the months to come.

For the wholesalers and retailers maybe, don't like your chances of scoring a bargain for a while yet - if you have the cash in a year or so you may get a good deal..
for a bike, the wait will be a while, but for parts and accessories bought online from UK retailers, the bargains are on the way
The value of currency is miniscule compared to the people that are a countries greatest resource. If your life and all you work for and towards are being stolen by foreign interests, greedy politicians that do not understand who the people are anymore, and the uncontrolled rapid influx of immigrants then the result should be the people rising up and taking the country and its leadership back from the hands of those that are about themselves. God Bless the UK, and her people. God save us.
Meh, the stupid, ignorant and nutty 52% voted them out. Proof that direct democracy is an asinine idea.

This will do serious damage to the UK economy as corporations who set up shop there to trade with the EU suddenly can't trade freely with the EU. They'll abandon the UK and this will do bad things to them economically. Leaving the EU was stupid, and they'll slowly become aware of that over time. And then they'll blame someone else... as ignoramuses usually do.

As for shopping in the UK, keep in mind that it takes a while for exchange rates to adjust on the consumer level, so shopping now with credit card will probably not save you a lot, yet.
The pound is falling.
Now is the time to buy all those Triumph accessories that are hard to get over here in the colonies!

I sincerely hope that all our mates from Oz and Britain are not seriously affected by this.

Logged on this morning to post exactly this! The TTS stage 2 SC kit dropped US$500 overnight. :whitstling:
Meh, the stupid, ignorant and nutty 52% voted them out. Proof that direct democracy is an asinine idea.

This will do serious damage to the UK economy as corporations who set up shop there to trade with the EU suddenly can't trade freely with the EU. They'll abandon the UK and this will do bad things to them economically. Leaving the EU was stupid, and they'll slowly become aware of that over time. And then they'll blame someone else... as ignoramuses usually do.

As for shopping in the UK, keep in mind that it takes a while for exchange rates to adjust on the consumer level, so shopping now with credit card will probably not save you a lot, yet.

Yeah but they will trigger the overdue collapse of the worlds financial system artificially propped up with massive debt that can never be repaid so a default and crash is required to clear the crap. If it wasn't this it would be the Chinese debt levels or Europe itself causing a collapse in the next year or so. People, businesses and so called 'too big to fail corps' will go down and reset the world economy. It wont be pretty and economic if not real wars will ensue but these are only a prelude to what will happen with climate change etc anyway if it all keeps artificially barreling along as it has been. The world's financial systems have historically collapsed and been reset every 40 years or so and we are well overdue for the current one.

The 3rd world isn't the only group who will be f-cked over in this process and how the hell are 9 Billion plus ever going to maintain and sustain our limited world resources without completely f-cking up the environment. A massive die off is required to return to equilibrium which in all animal populations is through starvation, conflict, disease or natural disaster and some of us shall see all four in action in the next 50 years.

Me I shall be popping off my mortal coil within the next 20 years and intend to enjoy my retirement while I can. I will support any likely remedies but am not deluded enough to think it will all necessarily work out well for all.

Remember the dinosaurs, the lucky ones are still with us as birds, the rest disappeared. Small shrew like mammals survived and eventually some of their offspring became us. Who knows what comes next?