The cruise control fitted perfectly on the kuryakyn grips .but after looking at Hans photos of his I realized that the support section was never going to fit. Originally before looking at Hans I thought the unit I attempted to have put on was an updated version.before purchasing the unit I looked at the video and it was a video of how to fit Hans not the unit I had purchased .confusion confusion
I ordered and received this cruise control unit from cruiser customizing and tried to get it fitted and after photos from Hans I realized there was an issue. I emailed cruisercustomizing and there response was simply that brakeaway cruise control had not informed them that they no longer made cruise control units for the triumph rocket three .part number 7CP01 is not the correct unit
A big +1 on the BrakeAway, the safest throttle lock out there, as like an electronic cruise-control JUST ONE touch of the front brake and it releases Instantly
@skydog1000 Check out the Go Cruise. Had it for over two years and love it.
None of these are meant for use in traffic! For open road only!
I run the billet with adjustment screw version.
Hmm, but the Classic has different controls than the Touring. The Touring has bog standard levers and no adjustability. Might well work for the Touring.
I'm quite happy with a throttle rocker clone on mine but may pony up for an MCCruise electronic system anyway as a winter install project to help with staying under the limit... somehow speed keeps creeping up as I go.
So i got this email response from the manufacturer of the brakeaway.
The 7CP01 BrakeAway will not fit over the grip flange. That is
the only reason why it is not listed on our fit list. In order to
make it work , the grip flange diameter needs to be trimmed down
smaller than 1.9" so the cruise control will slide all the way
over it.
Best Regards,
Bryan Fechner
BrakeAway Products Inc
(503) 372-9346
I wonder if this would work... if i trimmed up the flange. I guess my big concern would be will the grip and throttle still look nicely finished after the product is installed.