But... but! You could choose to ride in it with some rain gear if you really wanted to... We still have parts of the city here literally encased in 3 inches of ice, and mounds of snow up to 6 feet high... I am sure you would rather have the rain too
Looks like a warm, but windy ride to work today. Good to have a heavy scooter to hold the road. Weekend looks good too, but we really could use some rain.
My rides at 5am to work usually include low teens to single digit temps (F). In good traffic it takes 35 minutes. For safety, I think about the wind chill and offer this link for the windchill chart for your viewing pleasure: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/windchill/ This morning it was 26F and at 75 MPH on the freeway, the wind chill would be 3F. I ride anytime there is not ice on the roads and have for the last 33 years regardless the bike. I have heated gloves and jacket liner and make sure no exposed flesh touches the direct wind. I need the wind therapy too much to go for long wihtout a ride...