Been out here on the road now seven months, looking for BBQ and bluegrass...left Washington State did the loop...I've seen one other R3 and it was here in Prescott, AZ where they have bike rally's about every week. Otherwise...Nada..I go down the road singing..."All alone am I...."

I'm sure there were a couple more at the RAA but I was on the other side of the planet when that happened....maybe next year. Those in the zone.. I'll be heading out of Prescott tomorrow, to Lost Wages, then US 395 North to Reno and on up into if you ant to take any pictures you'll need extremely high shutter speed set n your camara...and fast digits in your digital....last time I did this...I got there before I left!!!:eek:...I did one ride with some Hardley's but the only way I could do t was drag some rocks with a rope...even then I thought a couple of them were going backwards!

I think there are other Rockets out there...they're just so fast you can't see 'em.

Travelinguy out.

Bluegrass and BBQ Main Street Paintsville, Ky. In Kentucky, our grass is blue, and the BBQ is out of this world. Apple pie is good too.:cool:

Hmmmm. 660 posts, how do I skip 666 ?
Does any one know how many Rocket have been produced each year? Do Triumph publish any figures? And how many were exported to the US? Guess that way you might work out really how rare they are. They are still rare as hen's teeth in the UK out on the road - so a goodly chunk of production must head overseas - other than at Bike do's I ain't seen another R3 on the road in the last 6 months. Ron

I came across an article awhile back (2010 Triumph Rocket III Roadster Review - which lists 18,000 produced 2004-2009. 34% (6,120) sold to the US and 20% (3,600) sold in the UK. Given that number and the latest census figures there is one rocket for every 50,164 people in the US. With that math there should be about twenty in my area. I'm going to guess that these bikes sold in clusters and are not evenly distributed throughout the US (I'm sure someone has statistics on motorcycles registered per capita by state). I also figure there is a significant percentage of these bikes that are bought by people who just want to say that they own one and rarely actually ride the thing (check CycleTrader sometime and you'll find R3s with very low mileage). I also believe that every dealer is holding one to use as "loaner" bike for their shop (of course there's so few dealers this may not have any significant impact).
i saw one in the city that i live in on the road i think it was a roadster and isaw one at a triumph bike show in mass. at some rod and gun club last fall it was a tourer i talked to the guy for a second.
Just arrived home from an evening run out & saw another one parked up just up the road from where we were. I'd seen a guy wearing his Triumph leathers, caught my attention as they were the same as mine, took no notice but now wish I had, anyway we were riding off back home & he was nowhere to be seen. BTW what is that chrome tail coming from behind the rear brake pedal on the one in joolz picture.
I've had my Rocket for over four years now. Covered most of Central and Northern California, Nevada. Just saw only my second Rocket on the road.

Located just south of Sacramento, Califiornia and there are LOTS of bikes out here, still only seen two in four years.

I like it that way.
This is precisely why I bought mine (one of the reasons at least). I like the idea of being the only one around with an R3. If I wanted to ride a bike that 99% of the riding population has, I'd buy a Harley;)

The funny this is, I have only ever seen one on the road and that was over a year ago. This last Tuesday on my way to pick mine up, I saw one on the highway... too funny.


I haven't seen one here in Anderson but a new member who joined the other day lives in Greenville which is 30 miles up the road. The only time I have seen one was awhile back riding in the mountains. I was by myself and he was also. When we passed each other we both had surprised look on our faces. LOL

I don't understand why Triumph dealerships don't keep a Roadster on the floor at all times. Both dealerships that I visit never has a Roadster. I had to order mine and it took fricken 4 months to get it!!
There's only ever 1 at work.
Mine or my wife's.
other than that, out on the road,
I've seen 2 in 4 years of ownership.
Besides Mexican and Emwolb and Odie.
did see 1 in Cassoday Kansas at their monthly get together.
couldn't find the guy so just parked beside him and went milling around,
when I came back he was gone.
So in 4 years of riding this thing I've seen, passed, or rode with 10 Rockets tops.
excepting for RAA of course.
but that still ain't bad.
at work, you'll see 30 harleys if there's 1.
20 squid bides, a couple of honda's/suzuki's, but only 1 Rocket....:cool:
I like that....