I've seen about as many other Rockets as I have seen bonnies, speed triples, America's etc in the six years I have owned my Rocket. Triumphs are just a rare bike period, old or new.
Bumped into a guy on an '07 blue and white Classic at a burger joint in downtown Venus,Texas (yes, there really IS a Venus, Texas) last week. First one we have seen "in the flesh" other than at the dealers. Had a chat with him. Nice guy. Turns out the guy lives in another little town fairly nearby and he has owned the bike for nearly five years. No telling when we will see another Rocket in our part of the world as HD's abound here. We are OK with that. We trudge on (alone).
Been out here on the road now seven months, looking for BBQ and bluegrass...left Washington State did the loop...I've seen one other R3 and it was here in Prescott, AZ where they have bike rally's about every week. Otherwise...Nada..I go down the road singing..."All alone am I...."

I'm sure there were a couple more at the RAA but I was on the other side of the planet when that happened....maybe next year. Those in the zone.. I'll be heading out of Prescott tomorrow, to Lost Wages, then US 395 North to Reno and on up into Seattle...so if you ant to take any pictures you'll need extremely high shutter speed set n your camara...and fast digits in your digital....last time I did this...I got there before I left!!!:eek:...I did one ride with some Hardley's but the only way I could do t was drag some rocks with a rope...even then I thought a couple of them were going backwards!

I think there are other Rockets out there...they're just so fast you can't see 'em.

Travelinguy out.
I rarely see another one. There's a matte black Roadster I've seen out about 3 times - I believe it was the first one sold in Australia - but no others. Then, a couple of months ago I saw this outside my work (twice in one week). Of course it looks quite different to mine (to me) but it had everyone confused; they thought I was at work much earlier than I actually showed up. Was quite a handy decoy. :)


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Been out here on the road now seven months, looking for BBQ and bluegrass...left Washington State did the loop...I've seen one other R3 and it was here in Prescott, AZ where they have bike rally's about every week. Otherwise...Nada..I go down the road singing..."All alone am I...."

I'm sure there were a couple more at the RAA but I was on the other side of the planet when that happened....maybe next year. Those in the zone.. I'll be heading out of Prescott tomorrow, to Lost Wages, then US 395 North to Reno and on up into Seattle...so if you ant to take any pictures you'll need extremely high shutter speed set n your camara...and fast digits in your digital....last time I did this...I got there before I left!!!:eek:...I did one ride with some Hardley's but the only way I could do t was drag some rocks with a rope...even then I thought a couple of them were going backwards!

I think there are other Rockets out there...they're just so fast you can't see 'em.

Travelinguy out.

If you find yourself in the San Francisco Bay area, I can supply the Beer & BBQ :D

I see them all the time and know the owners of atleast 15 rockets on a first name basis :eek: but i do go on a end of month ride every month with a local based triumph forum :D apart from that i dont see that many
I rarely see another one. There's a matte black Roadster I've seen out about 3 times - I believe it was the first one sold in Australia - but no others. Then, a couple of months ago I saw this outside my work (twice in one week). Of course it looks quite different to mine (to me) but it had everyone confused; they thought I was at work much earlier than I actually showed up. Was quite a handy decoy. :)
This happened at my work :D


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i saw one in muskogee oklahoma a few years ago, but as far as seeing any of them since, well, they seem to be pretty scarce. although a few weeks ago i met mexican, xhdskip, and nmrocket on a saturday morning in tulsa. i did ride up to see a friend in my local town last weekend outside of the tire dept at walmart, and the bike sure drew a crowd. in that respect, i thought it was great to own one myself. when i ride my vivid black streetglide to any bike event, i gotta look around to see which one is mine as there are so many of them. no so with the rocket. heck, mine still intimidates the hell out of me, and that's a good thing.
Does any one know how many Rocket have been produced each year? Do Triumph publish any figures? And how many were exported to the US? Guess that way you might work out really how rare they are. They are still rare as hen's teeth in the UK out on the road - so a goodly chunk of production must head overseas - other than at Bike do's I ain't seen another R3 on the road in the last 6 months. Ron
There are quite a few around here but I rarely see them. Two of them I know but we never speak, and have only ridden with one of them once. Like vapors in the ethos.