The Triumph era is over...for now.

Good luck with your new ride mate

Love the thunderbird but even with the bigbore kit it aint in the rockets league powerwise . have had the honour of riding both the 1600 tbird and the storm loved them both but they dont get close in power imo
Not a Gold Wing Dave, nor a Voyager...but I guess I will be like this "Oscar" when I am riding...jamming some time away.

Dracul...I think this 125 you are speaking about is just a took a lot to just get the 120 into my friends bike, they aren't cheap and, get this, even though they are new out of the box...NO WARRANTY...but a good number of guys are willing to be a guinea pig for the MOCO.

...but not me.

One day I'll get rich (who knows...could happen...if not me...who?) and get a number of bikes that get the blood pumping in different ways.

But since I am getting older...and presumably slower...I'm getting a bike that matches that train of thought...I'll be happy with it...or I'll move onto a diffrent bike...but it definitely is in the "touring" mode.

No MoCo Fo Me!

You may be right MM. I did read about it, and the all the tumult that followed, in a V-Twin publication. Looked legit. Might be an upcoming model with a larger frame? If so, very pricey I'd wager. At any rate, not for me either. I love the look and sound of HDs, and I've ridden several, but I can't foresee purchasing one. Maybe a used V-Rod I could tweek
135" Monster V-Twin for HD a Reality!

JIMS 135" Race Twin cam engine will be an option for all Dyna and Touring models from 1999-2012, along with the 1991-99 Evolution HDs!!! 2.2 litre monster is built around a 4 5/16 x 4 5/8" bore and stroke, featuring extra thick engine cases, increased jug finning (cooling ^) and with app. intake/exhaust tuning should slam out 136hp and 135 lbs of torque!! Custom models will produce even MORE power and twist! I knew this day would eventually arrive. BIG V-Twins have been around for some time now, some even exceeding 200 hp. It was only a matter of time, economics and customer interest for these these big bore stompers to show up in Harley's. The days of underpowered HDs are at last over it would seem Confederate Hellcats are already utilizing a similar mill with their 132" S&S Wedge V-Twin. Pretty soon others will follow suit. I expect Victory will come out with something around 2+ litres soon as well. Can the Star/Yami's be far behind? A Raider with a 125+" would be cool.

Pretty soon the huge R3 motor may be no big deal. I have no doubt that if a market exists, manufacture of big block bikes will follow. Harley (along with Confederate and Bourget, etc.) is apparently leading the charge.
All this cloak and dagger stuff is killen me!

What kind of bike are you getting!