The Three Sisters, aka The Twisted Sisters

Me & Pepe/HockMed may just take you up on that in the not so distant future
Thank you Podnah!

If you guys come down, let me know. I'll swing by and assist/learn. Something I plan on doing myself before the next meetup that involves twisties. The stock suspension is pretty poor as mentioned here many times.
If you guys come down, let me know. I'll swing by and assist/learn. Something I plan on doing myself before the next meetup that involves twisties. The stock suspension is pretty poor as mentioned here many times.

Just ordered off fleabay
All Balls seals $12.95, Dust seals $11.50
Found a real good deal on some "new-old stock" Progressive 11-1529 springs that had some beat up boxes they were in but the springs are new & clean - asking price was $70, Offered $65 & was accepted
Others in there are listing at $86+
Has anybody heard from Rick? last time i saw him was in Kerryville, where we got lost,
This mood music is for all manner (goats @ 0:40) of you beastly ro, ro, romantics...