Living Legend
I had intended to put my mount on Thursday morning before heading out to meetup with Morris' crew, but sh!t happens and I was running late. I had to burn a lot of fuel coming down 99 and I10 to make sure I was there on time.
Then didn't even think of it Thursday evening, so no vid of the sisters Friday.
Put on the mount Friday night, after borrowing a screwdriver from Rick, since I forgot to put my toolbox in the wife's suv.
Then Saturday, the fricken mount broke while parked in the gas station. So, very little video taken. Probably a good thing I didn't have it mounted Friday or the whole cam would probably be gone.
New handlebar mount, 2 extra waterproof cases, 2 extra batteries, spare charger and cabling to run a charging cable from the battery have all been ordered already.
As a side note, Andy had his cam as well but the battery died at some point, not sure how much, if any video he got.
Oh yea I remember watching that mount break. Uh huh, shat hippens.
When I hit I35 I pulled into gas station n there was construction going on around it, when I pulled out I couldn't see it but there was a gap in the driveway n a dropoff. Slammed the forks all the way to full compression, when I was cleaning all the bug juice off the bike today I noticed right fork seal blew!