The Three Sisters, aka The Twisted Sisters

I'm still good for the Flying J in Brookshire at Noon on the 20th. At this point it looks like I will have 4 other bikes (5 total) with me but that number could vary by one or two depending on how things work out. I still have one of the bikes giving me carb problems so it may be one less bike and some ballast

10 - 4 <34 in the front 43 in the back> LET'S GO!
390 miles- 6 3/4 hour for me n 50% chance rain on Thursday..... Ima hafta Cowboy Up! :cool:
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I think ima let momma drive her little car. Her hiney's not as "conditioned" for the saddle :roll: :roll: :roll:
Better save it for ridin the hill cawntry :thumbsup:
looks like 10 west to north on 71 towards Austin. How about the rest of the ride? Im sure you have a planed route.

Open for discussion but we usually go staight thru San Antonio on 90 then hit 127 up to Concan then 83 up to Leaky