First of all, I love my R3! I have ridden Japanese bikes mostly during my journey to the Triumph destination. I think much of my personal preference is from perspective. My perspective has changed over the years due to my riding experiences and comparing bikes that I have ridden. I have several friends with HDs and their bikes look very nice. However, before I rode a Rocket, I thought that they must be something special to the guys that own them...and they are. But to me, they don't have anything close to what I enjoy in a bike except maybe the look and following. I am just not a "me too" kind of guy. I think some of my HD friends have not compared their bike to anything but maybe other HD bikes or they may just like being part of the HD thing altogether. Mo' power to them. Pardon the pun.
Funny thing happened last week while I was looking through some Craiglist motorcycles. I saw a cool 2017 model Yamaha FZ-09 naked bike that would be a ton of fun in the twisties and for a great price. It has an upright riding position which is appealing and lots of torque throughout the power band. I suddenly thought I would really enjoy a bike like this for solo runs as I am a torque prostitute, lol and love the curves too. I came off a Vmax before the R3 so I still have a fondness for the Yamaha bikes.
This being stuck in my head, I decided to go down to a local Yamaha dealership to scope one out before contacting the CL seller to just get a feel for what the bike feels like. I spotted an MT-10 which is the 2018 equivalent of the FZ-09 and went over to check it out. I immediately threw my leg over the seat and lifted the kick stand. To my amazement, it felt like a child's toy underneath me and took me about 5 seconds to dismount. My perspective has changed once again! It was an easy decision since I could compare it. I would be hard pressed to find a better fit for myself other than the R3. It's got the power, torque, comfort, and even handles really well for a beast. Glad I could compare and at least see what else is out there. Also while I was at the dealership, I saw a 2011 R3 Roadster they had taken in on trade. I don't have to tell you what that was like to throw your leg over the seat! (They said it wasn't for sale because the sales manager was gonna buy it.
