The Problem Facing Harley-Davidson

One of my most memorial days in my life was walking into the Harley Dealership and buying a brand new Harley Davidson Fatboy. Grew up in a generation were owning a Harley meant that you had made it. At least in my little world anyhow. Looking back and considering what it meant to me at the time still brings a smile. That was back in 2010. Today we are looking at the bike with over 90,000 miles and sold it once and it came back. See previous post. Wife and I talked about it and she agreed to let me build. Not talking about taking the bike in and having some clown work on it. S&S 124 brand new crate motor and now we are tearing into it. Selling the bull and buying parts to turn the 124 cubic inch into a screamer. Not your average Harley owner and Know my way around the bike. Primary is built to the max. Transmission is the same. Not going to be your average Harley. Figure by the time the fat lady sings should have one #ell of a ride. Take your Screaming Chicken and let the coyotes eat lunch. Really do not like the direction Harley Davidson is going. Personally think they are screwing up big time. Yes better suspension and a more comfortable ride OH how NICE and SWEET. Man get real. Its supposed to be A Harley. Loud and vibrate your tooth fillings out at idle. Hit it and frame flexes as you try to hold on. Some can say that is retarded others would call it old school. I would refer to it as CLASS. The Rocket X is my mainstream bike by far. The Harley when I am done with it will be My SUNDAY BIKE. If you are thinking that your screaming eagle 117 Milwaukee Eight is a Bad boy think again.
One of my most memorial days in my life was walking into the Harley Dealership and buying a brand new Harley Davidson Fatboy. Grew up in a generation were owning a Harley meant that you had made it. At least in my little world anyhow. Looking back and considering what it meant to me at the time still brings a smile. That was back in 2010. Today we are looking at the bike with over 90,000 miles and sold it once and it came back. See previous post. Wife and I talked about it and she agreed to let me build. Not talking about taking the bike in and having some clown work on it. S&S 124 brand new crate motor and now we are tearing into it. Selling the bull and buying parts to turn the 124 cubic inch into a screamer. Not your average Harley owner and Know my way around the bike. Primary is built to the max. Transmission is the same. Not going to be your average Harley. Figure by the time the fat lady sings should have one #ell of a ride. Take your Screaming Chicken and let the coyotes eat lunch. Really do not like the direction Harley Davidson is going. Personally think they are screwing up big time. Yes better suspension and a more comfortable ride OH how NICE and SWEET. Man get real. Its supposed to be A Harley. Loud and vibrate your tooth fillings out at idle. Hit it and frame flexes as you try to hold on. Some can say that is retarded others would call it old school. I would refer to it as CLASS. The Rocket X is my mainstream bike by far. The Harley when I am done with it will be My SUNDAY BIKE. If you are thinking that your screaming eagle 117 Milwaukee Eight is a Bad boy think again.
Whoops, screwed up that last reply.
After a divorce and 12 years without a bike I bought an Electraglide Classic in 2001. Did 40k miles on it, never a problem. In 2004 I bought my Road Glide, added cams and other engine mods after 3 years of ownership, did 90k miles total and never had an issue. In 2009 bought my Ultra, did 40k miles on it and never had a problem. In that near 170k miles on Harley's I never had to call roadside assistance or had ANY breakdown. The bikes got me to and from EVERY destination I chose, including circumnavigating Mexico with many stops in the interior also. I enjoyed all the smiles those bikes gave me and I also knew the limitations those bikes had and rode accordingly. I haven’t looked at the stickers on new Harley’s because I’m not in the market BUT I had to buy 2 new sensors for the TPMS on my Explorer 2 years ago that expired EXACTLY at the 4 year mark they predict. They were $175 CDN per for a little wee part that COULD have replaceable batteries but then Triumph wouldn’t get their pound of flesh. I just bought 2 small rubber washers that fit at the ends of my Gold Wing front cowl as I’m changing the windshield and one of the washers fell into the abyss at the front of the fairing. $9.70 for 2 weeny rubber washers. One inescapable thing about Harley’s is: if you ever want aftermarket parts for your bike, you are WAY ahead owning a Harley, since the unit #’s sold warrant development. Last year at Indian demo days at the dealership in Chandler,AZ I took their big bagger out for a spin and then sat with 2 Indian owners for a hot dog and drink afterwards. I was seriously under-impressed with the Indian. Both of them HATED the service they were getting from Indian and one guy’s bike had been awaiting a part for 2 MONTHS. A Wing will ALWAYS be my long haul bike but I REALLY love tearing around my home turf on my Roadster. The younger folks would rather ride in a sports car or an SUV than out in the weather on a bike.
Funny, I came up on a herd of Harley's last week on a country road on my way back home from the Diner. They were riding 2 abreast, and barely doing the speed limit of 45/50. I can not understand the reason for these "parades". I finally got bored, and blew by the parade, being watchful for anyone pulling over into the passing lane. Got by, waved a hand in the air, and disappeared into the sunset. Maybe they are afraid to go out alone, fearful of a break down, a flat or something. I dunno, just seems strange to me. On the weekends, sometimes a small pack will show up at the Diner, all with their vests, badges, patches, pirate costumes. They pull a few tables together, talk loud so everybody can here/see them. Place their orders, eat and bullchit, bullchit some more, then go out to the parking lot, and bullchit some more, while cleaning their probably only rode on weekend machines. Then I'm sure they all head home, bike to the garage, not to be used till the following weekend parade.:) For that purpose, a Harley is perfect, loud, shiny, "look at me"
Funny, I came up on a herd of Harley's last week on a country road on my way back home from the Diner. They were riding 2 abreast, and barely doing the speed limit of 45/50. I can not understand the reason for these "parades". I finally got bored, and blew by the parade, being watchful for anyone pulling over into the passing lane. Got by, waved a hand in the air, and disappeared into the sunset. Maybe they are afraid to go out alone, fearful of a break down, a flat or something. I dunno, just seems strange to me. On the weekends, sometimes a small pack will show up at the Diner, all with their vests, badges, patches, pirate costumes. They pull a few tables together, talk loud so everybody can here/see them. Place their orders, eat and bullchit, bullchit some more, then go out to the parking lot, and bullchit some more, while cleaning their probably only rode on weekend machines. Then I'm sure they all head home, bike to the garage, not to be used till the following weekend parade.:) For that purpose, a Harley is perfect, loud, shiny, "look at me"

ok got to put my two cents in on this one, "cootertwo" wow and thats coming from a harley owner haha but im sure you loved them at one stage in your bike ownership years. I think in Australia anyway, owning a Harley (as long as it wasnt a sportster, sorry cootertwo)used to be a mark of making it in the big boy toy box collection, he who has the biggest the loudest the most stylish wins the game, but nowadays every man and his dog owns one, and they arent as unique as they once were, plus most of the older ones, (like mine, 86 lowrider) have more after market parts than Harley parts, probably the reason they are still running. My lowrider is a (Some) Sunday bike as long as im not going far then its the Rocket, smile is stuck on, triumph cap and t shirt put on, Harley ones go in the wash and its off, just fitted mine up with my forward controls and a radar detector and im down the road. I still get a lot of enjoyment with the Harley becausde it is a bit tricked out and it looks nice but it has lost a lot of riding appeal since I sold my Fat boy and bought the rocket. Thats my two cents but at the end of the day japanese, American, British, German etc...etc... its up to the individual and most people on this forum have multiple rides for different reasons anyway I would hate to see another bike manufacturer hit the wall dont forget guys it happened to Triumph once as well, we have lost a lot of excellent brands already Norton, BSA, Ariel to say the least
Reading the comments was kinda interesting. Myself they're getting a little pricey . I bought my Roadking in 2001 for $8000.00 less than what the asking price is today for a new RK...

Always liked Harley Davidsons after watching "Electra Glide in Blue" in Tunbridge Wells, Kent UK when growing up. Was riding a Lambretta SX150 scooter then (NOT a Mod, but all I could afford). Later (And After a stint in the British Army, a Honda CD175, Jawa 350, and TOP of my acquisitions, a 1972 ex-Metropolitan Police Triumph TR6P 650 Saint, that I swear I pushed home to Whitechapel, more than I ever rode it home. Years later after emigrating, bought a 1991 HD Sportster, the first year of the 5-speed on the military purchase program while in Germany with the US Army. Liked the bike, but had problem after problem with it, up to a dealership putting wrong Andrews cams in it!
Bought a Pacific blue Rocket III Classic in 2007 here in New Mexico, and to date, touch wood, have not had to "try" and push it home, or, now days, call AAA.
Do Harleys come with the black and orange trailers or is that an option if you venture out past the city limits into the badlands with the mean motorcycles? Awful lot of poser trailers in these parts. Lets face it, Harley sells "a sound" and bling. Look at the weaknesses of the antique engine design. Cylinder jugs in line means that in order for the connecting rods to the crank to fit, they are HALF WIDTH. Wimpy spot in the main connection from explosion of fuel to drive line. Are new Harleys actually new design fuel injection or reworked normally aspirated motors ? What does a COMPLETE oil change on a Harley cost ? Where is that infamous stator located ? Still deep in the bowels of the engine in the heat ? Wonder why they fail ? See any pushrod tubes on an R3 or a Victory engine ? New Harleys overheating ? Should they develop a liquid cooled V4 ? Yes. Can they ? Not and retain the sound they sell. I outgrew the playing card in the spokes racket at 10 years of age, they were impossible and costly to maintain too.
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