Funny, I came up on a herd of Harley's last week on a country road on my way back home from the Diner. They were riding 2 abreast, and barely doing the speed limit of 45/50. I can not understand the reason for these "parades". I finally got bored, and blew by the parade, being watchful for anyone pulling over into the passing lane. Got by, waved a hand in the air, and disappeared into the sunset. Maybe they are afraid to go out alone, fearful of a break down, a flat or something. I dunno, just seems strange to me. On the weekends, sometimes a small pack will show up at the Diner, all with their vests, badges, patches, pirate costumes. They pull a few tables together, talk loud so everybody can here/see them. Place their orders, eat and bullchit, bullchit some more, then go out to the parking lot, and bullchit some more, while cleaning their probably only rode on weekend machines. Then I'm sure they all head home, bike to the garage, not to be used till the following weekend parade.

For that purpose, a Harley is perfect, loud, shiny, "look at me"