The Outlaw's Storm

Thanks. I remember being down there last year and you could not make it. Great BBQ and good riding partners:D

Might be a chance of hitting that and then on to Montrose. Wonder who all from the area are going to CO.

Not sure if Glenn and Mully are going.
I'm not sure when we are going on "The Family Vacation"! My sister has a beach house that we go to usually during that time! I worked the BBQ for years being the Fire Chief of Tryon. We are thinking of doing something different this year and going somewhere else ! Not sure if it will be the same time. We might do the family thing at Lake Norris in Tennessee. I really would like to meet up and ride with ya'll, but wife thinks if it cranks she gonna be on the back! Hell, I love her , anyway! She likes being around us guys anyway! I'll monitor whats going on and let ya know how the "Family Plans" develop! lol
He is ALWAYS somewhere. I was at Riverside again yesterday DR. Where you was ?

Crazy yesterday. Fueled up, and as I was heading out toward ChimneyRock I met an SUV with retirees in my lane coming head on on a divided 4 lane WTF. Luckily it was still in town and at a light so they eventually backed down the road. From then on it was dipsticks tailgating a bike, again WTF ? Tailgating me in a 20 mph zone in Chimney Rock ? Why ? Someone is going to get shot eventually and I can plead insanity and get it to stick.

I was working here at the house doing "HoneyDo's" :( Glad you survived Chimney Rock and the "Rubberneckers"!!
Comparing. Just got the new battery back in my R3 this afternoon. Fired right up. Yay. I think my odo read 38,695. Now I can ride the TBird and spread it out a bit.