The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

Did anyone notice that rainman left sunday morning along with the bad weather. I now understand the reason for the handle.

Looks like the killboy photos are posted for saturday's ride still waiting on sunday pic. I have sent, US129photos, ZEE photos, and Killboy a message trying to get some group pricing on the pics. My beautiful bride will also be putting a RAA IV DVD together over the next couple week. My idea would be to sell them and any money made after covering the cost of producing and shipping. Will be donated to help recover the cost inccured by the captians that went down during RAA IV. Stay tuned for more info.
Good idea there Steve.
put me down for one.
Get with Scott in Exile, he probablly has good footage too.
And come to think of it, Wild Willey should have too.
Skip I thought you liked to be wet!!!! You never did put on any rain gear....Katie....Thank you for all you did and Steve......well,lets just really out did your bad self.
I wasn't complaining Wendy, just commenting.
you know me, I ain't gonna complain bout nothin.
Besides frogg toggs take to long to put on and I don't want to get em wet.
now Dave, you know I was just admiring her assets
Man, I sure had a great time.
I vote we do it again in the fall.
Get to check out the colors an all,
who knows, we may even miss the monsoon season next time.
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Thanks skip for the suggestion. I am going to set up an internet site of some kind so we can all upload items for the DVD. I will let everyone know once it is set up.
PM m with your address, so I can send you your seat.

I got to say folks I had a wonderful time, it was great to finally get to meet most of you, and a little torturous meeting a couple of you, don't worry BillZ, I'm not going to name any names.

It was a special treat to get to meet Wout and Amy, he and I have so much in common unrelated to our brain injuries. We were both in the Infantry, both Airborne, both Sniper School trained, both love motorcycling and both love 4 wheel drives, but most importantly we both have an incrediably strong woman to stand beside us and help us do many of the things that we used to take for granted. I learned so much about myself that I didn't realize I didn't know from spending a little time with them. I came home to my wife with a whole new appreciation for all she does for me that she realized something had happened to change me for the better. So thank you Wout and Amy, I'll definitly be in touch.

Skip, I can't thank you enough for sharing the room with me, but you have got to let me pay you for it.

To the guys that went down, I'll say it one more time, I am really glad you weren't hurt any worse than you were. The bikes can be fixed easily, but many times we can't. Eo everyone else, I'm seriously happy to have met all of you it is groups like ours that make this one of the best hobbies on the planet to be a part of. And a special thank you to Steve, his lovely wife, Katie and to Rob and Gabi for making it one of the best motorcycle trips, I've ever had.
scowherd we"ll take one of those dvd when you get them done glad everyone made it home safe told you what would happen when you ride with me cant what till the next one
Made it home about 3 pm

A little over 1100 miles to get home and like everyone else the last hour was in the rain..but it was worth it.
From Wout and Amy aka Horny Jeepsters- (hijacking Wilbur-T)

We just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making us feel so welcome this past weekend. We had a great time, and truly enjoyed meeting all of you. What a great group of people! Thanks so much for the Deal's Gap metal sign - we have a wall with a metal sign collection on it in our house, and that will hold a special place on it!

We also want to take a moment to thank everyone in this forum for all of your support, not only for us, but also for Wilbur-T. He has done so much for us, and been through so much with us, and we know that he has gotten a lot of encouragement from the folks on this site, and we deeply appreciate that.

It was especially meaningful for us to get a chance to meet you, Cadfather, and have the opportunity to talk to you about your accident and recovery. Our journeys are similar in many ways, and it was so great for Wout to be able to talk to someone who understands so much of what he's going through. You have our utmost respect and we look forward to getting to know you better. Please let your wife know that we are so sorry we weren't able to meet her, but hope to get another chance to soon.

Skip, thank you so much for sharing your incredible story with us. You are truly a walking testimony of the strength of God's love, strength and power. Your words gave us a renewed sense of hope and encouragement.

We can't wait to see more pictures - we'll probably have to get Wilbur-T to show them to us, since we're not very familiar with this site.

Thanks again, everybody ~ you guys ROCK-et!!!!