The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

Just got off the phone with TonyMac, all who were involved in the mishap are A okay as we all know bikes can be fixed or replaced the body is another story.
I left Maggie Valley Sunday morning around 4am drove straight home to FWB, FL.
Myself and Baggage1 arrived Wed night and had two good days of riding, Saturday was also a nice day after we drove thru the downpour.
It was great seeing some old faces again and meeting new ones. if anyone has some spare polish please send it to JDuke because he never cleans his bike(he lets everyone else do it for him)
Just wanted to say I made it home ok and had a great time meeting everyone. Sorry that Lester and Marie, Tony and Sandy are in pain but glad it wasn't worse. Hope I can make it to the next one.
Made it home last evening about 5 pm, had to stop and take a nap on a picnic table at a rest area on the south side of Morgantown WV. Had a great ride though, weather was great. 501.7 miles. Bobby K and I rode up 81 till I split off on 77, hit 19 n and took some pics of New River Gorge Bridge. Had a great time, great getting to meet some other Captains now I can put some faces to some handles on here. Sorry to hear about the mishap, I hope everyone is doing ok. You all have a safe ride today and a safe ride home.

Captain J

**** it Tony!.. You just spent the last 6 months transforming that bike into a BEAST after the last RAA! Really glad to hear everyone is okay... Sure missed going this time!
Got home yesterday about 2 PM. I had a great time meeting and riding with you ladys and gents. I really appreciate all the planning you did to make it happen, and I'm glad to hear the injuries were minor in the mishap. ROCKETS RULE!
We just got home a few min. ago. [Monday, 3:00 pm.] Temp was 58 degrees at Maggie Valley when we left, dropped down to 52 after we got down off the mountain. Spittin' rain on and off. We were pretty cold, but we still had a good ride home. Hope you guys with the longer rides have better weather!!

We will keep Lester and Marie and Tony and Sandy in our thoughts and prayers. Thank the Lord no one was hurt worse.

We had a BLAST!! Wish everyone could have been there!
Glad everyone is OK and home safe. It would be great to hear from the downed Captains and Mates as to how the injuries are mending. Bikes can be repaired and replaced.The important thing is that you guys were able to walk (or limp away) to ride another day. Tony, I know you and Dave talk funny. You didn't revert back to driving on the the wrong side of the road like in the Homeland did you? That will cause trouble on those curves every time.
Oh crap! I don't have anything to add, but the replies counter is on 666! Gotta get it off of that.

Actually, I will give my thanks to Gabby. She knows why. Thank you Gabby! I appreciate what you did!


"Broken" Rocket Daryl
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Looks like everything has been covered, so I'm just gonna say I had a great time and met some great people. Here's a link to my photobucket album of the trip, I tried to get pics of everyone and there are pics of a few of the stops. And a picture of the rabbit that got in Scowherds room. The crappy sideways video I took is in there too.

I can't wait to meet up with y'all again at RAA V or something.
Nice pics lil' Duke. Ime sorry I missed the rabbit thingy and I never did get to see the video. I wish we had stayed another day with the rest of yall but I had to work. Can't wait till next years RAA though. Thanks to Gabbi and her husband for taking such great care of everyone.They really went way out of there way for all of us.