Washed the bikes last night. [Although I know they will be covered in bugs and road dirt by the time we get there.] Gotta finish packing tonight and will pull out early in the am tomorrow. Everybody be safe! See ya'll there!
Now I'm really jealous! Lots of great memories from the RAA last year. Y'all are gonna have a blast. Never mind me, I'll be just fine....no really, just fine
Sorry fellas I can't make it, it ain't like me to cancel last minute but I don't like the weather forcast and it's just too far to go to ride around in the rain when I got sunny skies here and a long weekend off. If it wasn't for that frontal system I'd be up there by now. I'm really sad about not meeting you all this time. I'm going riding around central Florida, it's not Maggie Valley and it's not with you guys but it's dry as a bone and 0% chance of rain. You all have fun and please ride safe!!!
rain rain and a chance for more rain.
Me and Lon did the tail of the dragon testerday afternoon.
Scott in exile and Baggage already did it too.
Heretic,................................ present
Jduke and dad (craig))....... ....present
2 rockets and Bean ...............present
Scott in Exile and Baggage.. ..Present
Lon and me safe and here.....preseby
uppp, Rain stopped, gotta GO