"The Mistress No More"

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Sorry to hear, I hope you heal up quickly and I hope you had insurance.
Not news I expected or wanted to see this morning!
Glad you, yourself are not too badly damaged Hans - hope recovery goes well and you find a nice new 'mistress'
Brother Hans, what can I say to make it better? I guess nothing. I am saddened to hear of this as I know from personal experience how painful a broken Humorous is. Keep to the medical advise and do all your therapy. My orthopedic surgeon told me I probably could not do push-ups anymore and definitely could do pull-ups; however, he is better than he gave himself credit for as I can indeed do these things.

Here is the medal I won for my broken arm... I hope yours is less invasive...


HansO glad to hear you survived a speed crash. I have never had my rocket head shake. You say a cross wind might have initiated it?
HansO, sorry to hear about your crash. Doesn't sound very humorous to me.
I'll let myself out....
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