"The Mistress No More"

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Sh!t!!!! That really sucks my friend.
I'm glad you're still here to talk about it though.
Heal quickly, I'll be pulling for ya
Errrr !!!!!! What ya pulling mate?
No don't answer that please......
Sorry to hear, I hope you heal up quickly and I hope you had insurance.
Not news I expected or wanted to see this morning!
Glad you, yourself are not too badly damaged Hans - hope recovery goes well and you find a nice new 'mistress'
Brother Hans, what can I say to make it better? I guess nothing. I am saddened to hear of this as I know from personal experience how painful a broken Humorous is. Keep to the medical advise and do all your therapy. My orthopedic surgeon told me I probably could not do push-ups anymore and definitely could do pull-ups; however, he is better than he gave himself credit for as I can indeed do these things.

Here is the medal I won for my broken arm... I hope yours is less invasive...

Thanks Guys, not really sure what happen I had notice a small amout of side wind bursts earlier but they only gave the clear view screen a tiny wiggle, I am only guessing when I say that there may have been some debris on the road that i happen to miss with possibly touch up from a gust but all i know is it was like the bars were reefed out of my hands i tried to wrestle it back under control but failed

HansO glad to hear you survived a speed crash. I have never had my rocket head shake. You say a cross wind might have initiated it? :thumbsdown:
HansO, sorry to hear about your crash. Doesn't sound very humorous to me.
I'll let myself out....
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