"The Mistress No More"

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WOW M8s?!
I spent two daty riding an 800 Tiger around Missoula, Montana.
While it was a smooth semi- comfy ride, I found it woefully under powered.
Look at the new Honda 1200X. My bro, Dan has one and it's a bonzer!
Why wouldn't you suggest the Explorer (1,251 cc) ?
To big and to heavy to get in to the FORREST trails the bigger versions are more for open country and out back dirt roads, the 800 cc still has enough power to tour with if needed but more importantly much more nimble in tighter terrain I plan to use it in ..... in the case of going bush "bigger is not always better" I have mates who have had Vstrom 1000's and have traded back down to the 650cc versions and found them better, there is a very big difference in weight between the 800 compared to the 1050/1215 models and not as much difference in power between so the power to weight ratio is better for the smaller 800's
Why wouldn't you suggest the Explorer (1,251 cc) ?
RODE a BOBBER today it was very smooth and fast a modern bike that looks like a backyard special it handles very good and its comfy and sucks up the bumps really well but its expensive $14000 WOW you could buy a ROCKET
Yeah had rocket sideways a few times on logging roads around here but where I want go it is a bit more extreme than logging roads
Hopefully you can get the bike back on the road but if not give me a shout on the header. With all the offer of spare parts you might be able to do it.
The headers will have to stay on bike as they are listed on policy, Sorry Dave
Hans...I haven't commented much because it pains me to see a family member wounded. However, the best things are often those that are wounded, thought beyond repair, and yet brought back to life by a considerate soul. Don't write the mistress off just yet...she may turn out to be your crowning glory. After all, you have shared quite a bit of road, some gravel and a busted wing...what else can life throw you? While scuffed up, she doesn't look beyond repair...just my thoughts anyway. Mend quickly and painlessly my friend
Thanks Morris at the moment just taking one day at a time, but is hard for me to so inactive at moment it's driving me mad, pain meds are working well so I cant complain
Be calm, above all be patient, and allow yourself to heal. After all, you owe Miss Ann a trip over here. How you gonna do that with a busted wing? Take the time to heal up mate...only worry about what has to happen today...tomorrow will take care of itself
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